Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Chloe Chloe
#player2 Marty_Gold Marty Gold
>Chloe: ?EQRTVY H7 VERY +20 20
#note Regretted not doing QwERTY or QuERY, both of which I considered but not for long enough. QWERTY looks best
>Marty_Gold: FI 9H .IF +7 7
>Chloe: ?ACLQRT K7 QAT +19 39
>Marty_Gold: HOTZ 8K .ZOTH +81 88
>Chloe: ?CEJLRW M7 J.WL +26 65
>Marty_Gold: INOSY 11I NOISY +34 122
>Chloe: ?CCEORT 8A COnCRET. +92 157
>Marty_Gold: ?BDIMOS B2 DIsBOS.M +78 200
>Chloe: BDDEHRU 6F BRED +24 181
#note Really bad play. I was fixated on keeping the H because of the 2 Cs on the board, but it's really not important, weird that I felt like it was. This also accomplishes the opposite of what I want board-wise, blocking the E and F columns. L11 SHRUB or 6F HUED look best, both of which I considered. Not sure how DHU seemed better as a leave than BDR in my head during this turn.
>Marty_Gold: AEKL A1 LAKE +38 238
>Chloe: DFHRSUX 12H DUH +16 197
#note somehow doubted BRUX, so bad
>Marty_Gold: AAG 5D AGA +12 250
>Chloe: AFINRSX D4 F.X +26 223
>Marty_Gold: OP C2 OP +30 280
>Chloe: AIINRRS 5H RAIN +23 246
#note I prefer RANI now, makes a slightly better lane on the 4 row
>Marty_Gold: AEGINTV 13B VINTAGE +79 359
>Chloe: AEIIORS 12D OI +10 256
#note B13 VIA and hope I guess. also I should have played OI one spot to the left, I rushed
>Marty_Gold: DUW 11E WUD +26 385
>Chloe: AEIRRST 1C TARRIES +79 335
#note TARSIER probably, since there are many Es left to underlap the R
>Marty_Gold: EEEGLSU 7M .EU +17 402
>Chloe: EEEIIMP 4J PEE +16 351
#note A6 PI(C)E
>Marty_Gold: NOSU 13J ONUS +14 416
>Chloe: EEIIMOT 14E EMO +31 382
#note 14F TIE is cool, setting up DEEM
>Marty_Gold: AAEGLNN 15G ANLAGE +28 444
#note Marty said he didn't know ANLAGEN
>Chloe: EIILT 14L TILE +13 395
#note This plays at M2 for one more
>Marty_Gold: N O14 .N +6 450
>Marty_Gold: (I) +2 452