Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Grant_Guenzel Grant Guenzel
#player2 Chloe Chloe
>Grant_Guenzel: AJW 8G JAW +26 26
>Chloe: AADEOOV 9E AVO +17 17
#note Didn't consider 9G ODEA or 9F VOE which both look better, ODEA scores 9 more and allows slightly less scoring, and VOE just really limits his options
>Grant_Guenzel: AAGL 10G GALA +18 44
>Chloe: ABDEENO 8A BONED +30 47
>Grant_Guenzel: ?EELORT 11H sOLERET +67 111
>Chloe: ACDEEOQ N9 QA. +14 61
#note thought this was pretty clear, but a sim is liking exch EOQ or C3 DEACON slightly more. I'm not convinced by DEACON, obv 6 points is good but the Q isn't great on this board, I guess I can draw D column plays, and with four Us out maybe the Q isn't so bad.
>Grant_Guenzel: IKT O8 KIT +34 145
>Chloe: CDEEGOY L9 GY.E +16 77
#note I spent a while here, really didn't like what B6 GOOEY did to the board, closing off that whole area. But I missed L10 GREEDY which looks best, just for scoring and opening that area.
>Grant_Guenzel: AERY 7H YARE +19 164
>Chloe: CDEHOOP 6I POOCHED +83 160
#note C6 PONCHOED, saw it but wasn't sure
>Grant_Guenzel: ?DEINPT -IDENP +0 164
>Chloe: EFIINNU O1 FINNE. +33 193
#note L1 UNIFIC, didn't know it
>Grant_Guenzel: AEHORTV D1 OVERHAT. +80 244
>Chloe: ILMSTUU 12B ULTIMUS +73 266
>Chloe: ILMSTUU -- -73 193
#note He blocked MULTIUSE and I thought there was a chance this might be good or that he wouldn't challenge. Bad call
>Grant_Guenzel: FOOT C3 FOOT +33 277
>Chloe: ILMSTUU E5 MU +27 220
>Grant_Guenzel: ?DIIMTW 13F DIMWITs +75 352
>Chloe: AILSTUZ F2 ZITS +42 262
#note Yeah idk, didn't like blocking the 1 row but felt points were pretty necessary, maybe F12 ADZ could work out sometimes
>Grant_Guenzel: IILR 12C LIRI +11 363
>Chloe: ACILPUU C10 LU.U +8 270
#note C12 LUAU to be aggressive, or 2I APICULI to get back in range
>Grant_Guenzel: ABEINNR N2 BEER.D +32 395
>Grant_Guenzel: ABEINNR -- -32 363
>Chloe: ACEIPRS H13 .IC +21 291
#note M1 SERAPHIC nooooo. Also H13 MAP seems like a big improvement over MIC, bingoes wayyy more
>Grant_Guenzel: BDEERSU 15F BE.URSED +64 427
#note Punished
>Chloe: AEPRSSX N1 EX +41 332
#note 14A RASPS now is best, setting up EX underneath
>Grant_Guenzel: AEGINNN M3 NIG. +16 443
>Chloe: APRSS 14A RASPS +19 351
>Chloe: (AENN) +8 359
Player 2
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