Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 whatnoloan Noah Walton
#player2 TileRunner Christopher Sykes
#description Created with Macondo
>whatnoloan: ABDEELM 8D BELDAME +80 80
>TileRunner: DGIIOXY 9H DOXY +33 33
>whatnoloan: AEHINOT 10F HAO +18 98
#note Sim prefers HO by a bit. Details list my average score next turn as about 10 better than after HAO!
>TileRunner: CGGIIPT E3 CIGGI. +20 53
>whatnoloan: AEHINTW 11E HAW +28 126
>TileRunner: ENOPTUY 12D PEONY +45 98
>whatnoloan: DEIINRT 3A INDI.TER +74 200
>TileRunner: AEINPTU 2G PETUNIA +67 165
>whatnoloan: BDEFOST 1G OF +38 238
>TileRunner: AEFNOSU 1M FOU +23 188
>whatnoloan: BDELSTT A1 BL.TE +24 262
#note Sim greatly prefers BILSTED. By like 8 equity!
>TileRunner: AEIINRS 4G SENARII +80 268
>whatnoloan: DGIRSST D2 D.G +16 278
>TileRunner: CEILRUW 13B CLEW +31 299
>whatnoloan: IJRSSTT 6C JI.S +14 292
#note Missed JURAT/JURATS, which look good. This is bad.
>TileRunner: AIMORTU H12 .OUR +21 320
>whatnoloan: ALRSTTV M1 ..V.ST +24 316
#note Now I missed SYLVA, which looks like the play. VAULT also seems better than this. This is also phony.
>TileRunner: ?AIMSTV 15B VITAMe.S +63 383
>whatnoloan: AALORTU B2 A.AL +16 332
#note Quackle strongly likes LOAD 2A, mabe because of OUTLEARN draws?
>TileRunner: AEKOQRZ 6K QA. +12 395
>whatnoloan: ?EORRTU F14 U. +6 338
#note Not so sure about this play. I didn't consider SO 5M, which opens another bingo line, guaranteeing that I bingo if I draw an N or E. A big problem with that is that KENNER and ZONK both seem to beat my bingos. In fact, UN has similar pitfalls - just YEZ scores enough against OROmETER, but on the other hand, can still be outrun by sNORTER, sTROKER, and UpROOTER (I don't think I saw the latter in game). Championship Player likes (N)U and U(N) for some reason - I think this can safely be ignored? I don't seem to have any bingo draws that play at 14G, so I'm puzzled by that result. I'm not really sure how he will react to UM - maybe just by blocking the O like he did? SEZ actually looks somewhat compelling as a bingo blocker in some situations, but I can actually win with ZONK sometimes, which lowers its appeal. Quackle actually suggests O(OF) as one of many best 50% winners if he has EEENORZ in the preendgame, though this result isn't to be trusted, at the least because of inference.
>TileRunner: EEKNORZ K9 .ERK +22 417
>whatnoloan: ?EEORRT 11I TO.E +4 342
#note Champ suggests ORT. This I played with a few seconds of clock left, after thinking for a while - wasn't able to understand this endgame with what I had. At some point I noticed that his Z plays I saw gave me back REZERO if I played vEXT, but it seemed like he could delay playing the Z, so that might not work so well. Also, I missed AZO, so I was wrong - I only noticed REZ, SEZ, and ZONE. By the time my time was almost up, I had generated ERR? as something that could play through the Z if he played ZONE, but wasn't able to see the many problems with that plan and/or just needed to play something. Champ doesn't generate my play, but evaluates his next turn's best play after mine to be OOZE (which I didn't notice I set up) for -12, so that my play is +16, higher than most of Champ's generated choices, compared to ORT, which is evaluated at +33.
>TileRunner: ENNOZ L6 .ZO +13 430
>whatnoloan: ?ERR 9A RaRE +8 350
#note Edit: I guess I generated choices when I previously posted this game, so reported ERRs as the best play. Champ winner is actually 7I ER. This is -12. Ended with 346 points due to time trouble. Pretty terrible showing in this game. I'm not really sure how to fix BLITE, and still don't really feel like I understand why it's an error, though it seems to be , other plays I feel like I could potentially do better on.
>whatnoloan: (ENN) +6 356