Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Laraine_Chapman Laraine Chapman
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>Laraine_Chapman: DILRU 8D LURID +14 14
>Jackson: BDGILOS 7G BIG +21 21
#note she laid down LOUD at first, which was gonna be v helpful. I think standardly I do BOG here for the extra bingo %, but I liked making ID here to reduce her parallel options, especially with the Z.
>Laraine_Chapman: NOY 9C YON +14 28
>Jackson: ?DILNOS J5 uNSOLID +68 89
>Laraine_Chapman: INV K3 VIN +14 42
>Jackson: EGINPUX 10D PIX +36 125
#note EXUDING is okay, but I like this defense.
>Laraine_Chapman: BKL 10I B.LK +10 52
>Jackson: AEGMNUW K8 WA.E +27 152
#note Considered WAKEN, but it makes an easy M column lane and an S hook that will be hard to block. I prefer this to keep the bottom harder to access
>Laraine_Chapman: FOR 6F FOR +23 75
>Jackson: GHIMNUZ L4 NIGH +22 174
#note I like this to mostly close the BILKS hook. There were a few other more scoring/setup options I considered, like I3 HUG and HUM. UGH is a decent set up as well, for ZIN. I like this choice cause it really kills the top left while closing BILKS.
>Laraine_Chapman: EJT 11C JET +34 109
>Jackson: AEIMRUZ 12D REZ +43 217
#note 7C setups might happen, but they're at least very closable
>Laraine_Chapman: AEMS M10 SAME +23 132
>Jackson: AEIMNTU M3 UNTIE +27 244
#note I really considered UM here for 20, which might be better. I was worried about 2L plays making AUNTIE, which can really fork the board for her. UM obviously prevents that, but I also didn't consider that I save NTIE for similar M column overlaps next turn. UM does create an S hook, but if she hits that lane it's really not so bad, cause I'll have a good comeback. I think I should do UM here, since those worries about board forks are legit
>Laraine_Chapman: DLO 8M DOL +19 151
>Jackson: ?ACEEMQ 13F ACME +23 267
#note I liked ACME cause it makes the bottom pretty closed, blocking the E and not giving back a lane on row 14. CAMEL was tempting to take out the more dangerous lane.
>Laraine_Chapman: EHORSST O6 HO.STERS +62 213
>Jackson: ?ADEEQR L12 ED +17 284
>Laraine_Chapman: AORV 5C ARVO +19 232
>Jackson: ?AEIQRW 6B QI +33 317
>Laraine_Chapman: AEEFU H12 E.EU +21 253
>Jackson: ?AEGIRW 14D WAG +28 345
#note EARWIG was tempting but obviously not the call, though only OUTEATEN plays as a 3x3. WAG over WIG to keep 7a parallels, plus tons of As out an no Is.
>Laraine_Chapman: AAFNTTY N13 FUN +20 273
>Laraine_Chapman: AAFNTTY -- -20 253
>Jackson: ?ACEIRY 14M YA +20 365
#note one more with PIXY
>Laraine_Chapman: AAFNTTU 15H .NAU +4 257
>Jackson: ?ACEIRT 11M .C. +5 370
>Laraine_Chapman: AEFOPTT 15A FATE +30 287
>Jackson: ?AEIORT 7A TIREd +33 403
>Laraine_Chapman: OPT N1 TOP +14 301
>Laraine_Chapman: (AO) +4 305
Player 2
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