Player 1 |
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#player1 Mark_Garrod Mark Garrod
#player2 Arie_Sinke Arie Sinke
>Mark_Garrod: EHW 8G HEW +18 18
>Arie_Sinke: ADGILNR H1 DRAGLIN. +86 86
#note This is correct.
>Mark_Garrod: AENNOST 4F NE.ATONS +68 86
>Arie_Sinke: EFMPRUY 3G F.Y +35 121
#note I have no recollection of ever having seen the word PERFUMY while studying. It's the only bingo and clear best play. I even noted that PERFUMERY would be nice if I had an open ER. This is better than the other non-bingo options.
>Mark_Garrod: OOW 5K WOO +26 112
>Arie_Sinke: EMPRTUY 5E RUM.Y +39 160
#note This and UMPTY F6 for 34 are the two top choices. I saw both plays and thought UMPTY might be slightly better for equity, but I though that leaving DRUMLY as a hook might favor me. UMPTY has the advantage of being quite defensive, though I am not sure that with the score fairly close defense is my top consideration.
>Mark_Garrod: ABIMR 9C MBIRA +19 131
>Arie_Sinke: EEEEIPT 10F EPEE +20 180
#note I thought of TEEPEE 10E for 24, but I thought that EIT was worth keeping here. The two plays sim very closely.
>Mark_Garrod: DIKN 11C KIND +22 153
>Arie_Sinke: BEEILNT 12A BLITE +32 212
#note This looks fine; fishes like BE 6J sim a bit back.
>Mark_Garrod: EIVV 6B VIVE +20 173
>Arie_Sinke: ?ACEINO 1A CANOpIE. +83 295
#note I thought of COINABLE, but I thought that the D was more likely to be difficult to block in the long term than the B, and more likely to be used for a comeback bingo. It's hard to evaluate in positions like this, and sims are of minimal value, as they assume both sides play for pure equity. I like my play, but could be persuaded otherwise.
>Mark_Garrod: ?DEEHST 11I HEaDSET +75 248
>Arie_Sinke: AINPRRT O11 .APIR +24 319
#note Not great. TRIPTAN and TRIPART are the superior plays I was looking for here; and I think TRIPART has to be the optimal choice.
>Mark_Garrod: LORZ C3 ZOR.L +30 278
>Arie_Sinke: ENQRSTT 14N Q. +22 341
#note Looks right.
>Mark_Garrod: DX N10 X.D +30 308
>Arie_Sinke: AENRSTT 13A EATS +31 372
#note Here I sacrifice a substantial amount of equity to block the last two reasonably good bingo spots. Sim to the end of the game thinks it's not worth it and that I lose too often in other ways. However, I think this play may have some merit. I need to get really unlucky to lose after this.
>Mark_Garrod: GGOO L11 .OGGO +18 326
>Arie_Sinke: AJNRTUU 15H JUNT. +36 408
>Mark_Garrod: CLO 4A CO.L +18 344
>Arie_Sinke: AAEIRSU 9K AUREI +18 426
#note Almost the correct endgame. AURAE instead, to set up SI/SEXED (scoring two more than my out play) is a slight improvement.
>Mark_Garrod: AFITU 2E IF +27 371
>Arie_Sinke: AS 8M AS +17 443
>Arie_Sinke: (ATU) +6 449