Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jackson Jackson
#player2 Sid_Murali Sid Murali
>Jackson: ELMOTWY H4 WETLY +30 30
>Sid_Murali: AFH G3 FAH +23 23
>Jackson: MNOPRST F2 PORT +29 59
#note I thought only MORT took the A, but PORT takes the A too, making this quite a shit play. I saw PHENOM, but this was way more scoring defensive. if I know APORT is good, then POM is probably the play for scoring defense again
>Sid_Murali: AEENRSS 6G S.ERANES +72 95
>Jackson: DIIMNSX M3 IND.X +42 101
#note close with XI
>Sid_Murali: EKUY L1 YUKE +40 135
>Jackson: EIILMOS 1D MISLIE +40 141
#note could definitely do LIMEY here to keep the S, and that's good given APORT as well cause that makes the S hook the more valuable one. I think this is fine though
>Sid_Murali: ?ABNRTU 5J AB +18 153
>Jackson: DEGNOSV 1K G.VED +39 180
>Sid_Murali: ?INORTU 7K TU. +17 170
>Jackson: CDFINOS D1 .ONIC +18 198
#note he took enough time with AB to where I was confident he had the blank. I think I biffed this turn though, cause MONIC seems to not limit his bingo % by as much as CODIFY, which is kinda surprizing, but I guess I take out his 7s and just give back the CO lanes really. The pool is vowel heavy as well so the G lane is a bit more likely than normal. More importantly, I should really be keeping bingo tiles to counter his potential bingo. I like making plays that force his bingoes to open a lot of floaters for me, so blocking the M is good for that, but CODIFY seems to do this well. I think just dropping the F with KIF is also good, or OF/OY, the former for keeping a great counter-bingo leave and the latter for encouraging more F column bingoes that will give me floaters. I think CODIFY or KIF are what I would play in a do-over.
>Sid_Murali: BEN 8J NEB +22 192
>Jackson: ?ADFNPS C2 DAP +23 221
>Sid_Murali: GUV B1 GUV +28 220
>Jackson: ?AFLLNS N1 .LF +22 243
>Sid_Murali: AEEIORU 9I JAR +27 247
>Sid_Murali: AEEIORU -- -27 220
>Jackson: ?ALNORS A1 AL +20 263
#note played this over NORLANDS to not give back a ton, but I missed SOVRANLY, which is definitely worth it. fug
>Sid_Murali: AJ J3 AJ.. +11 231
>Jackson: ?IMNORS G8 MIcRONS +67 330
#note blank as a K is better of course. Does anyone ever just do M(Y) here? I don't really see a need to cause my bingo puts me up by well over a bingo, but at a closer score it might be justified to try and be the counter bingoer for more score
>Sid_Murali: ?AAEORR 11E OR.A +8 239
>Jackson: DEGNQRT 9F Q. +11 341
#note I might want to do TRENDS here, I get QI a lot or other Q plays, really not bad.
>Sid_Murali: ?AEEIRT 13F A.TImERE +66 305
>Jackson: DEGHNRT 14D EDH. +29 370
>Sid_Murali: AEEOZ 12A ZOEAE +50 355
>Jackson: GINORTT A12 .ING +42 412
>Sid_Murali: CIIOOUW 12K WOO +23 378
>Jackson: ORTT C9 OTT.R +12 424
>Jackson: (CIIU) +12 436