Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Lipe Lipe
#player2 Mark Mark
>Lipe: AAACIIN 8F ACAI +12 12
>Mark: IY G7 I.Y +13 13
>Lipe: ADEIINO 9I OI +6 18
>Mark: ?EIINSU K3 UNItIES +65 78
>Lipe: ADEHINR 6A HANDIER +74 92
>Mark: FMU A6 .UMF +36 114
>Mark: HTY (challenge) +5 119
>Lipe: AEISTUU 6J U.U +4 96
>Mark: HTY L2 THY +33 152
>Lipe: AEIOSST C2 ASTO.IES +70 166
>Mark: EFILT D8 FILET +35 187
>Lipe: ?LNOQTT 2B T.LaQ +66 232
>Mark: OPW E9 POW +33 220
>Lipe: NNOOSTV 4A NO.T +10 242
#note Nothing very good here. Something like VIN is best equity but this takes out a spot he could hit me with J or Z with no opportunity for a comeback play, which is worth burning a bit of equity for.
>Mark: AJNN C11 JANN +37 257
>Lipe: CNORSVX 8K .XONS +60 302
>Mark: GW E5 W.G +14 271
>Lipe: CEEMORV M8 .VERCOME +88 390
#note The first of many many times this tournament I saw a word and doubted myself enough to pass it up. COMEOVER is so much better.
>Mark: AAEGLRR O1 REALGAR. +80 351
>Lipe: DDDEPRZ N6 ZE. +65 455
#note DDD leave is forced!
>Mark: BEEGILT N13 BEE +24 375
>Lipe: DDDKPRR 15L K..P +45 500
#note Again forced! KREEP perhaps better than KEEP tho.
>Mark: ABO N1 OBA +22 397
>Lipe: DDDERRV 10L V.RD +10 510
>Mark: AEGILOT B12 GAOL +20 417
>Lipe: DDER J1 RED +13 523
#note Chickened out of DONDER. Good thing Will tied later in the tournament and I didn't need the spread.
>Mark: EIT A13 TIE +21 438
>Mark: (D) +4 442
Player 2
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