Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Paul_Holser Paul Holser
#player2 Josh_Sokol Josh Sokol
>Paul_Holser: HU 8H UH +10 10
>Josh_Sokol: BGLNTUX 7H XU +25 25
#note let's goooooo
>Paul_Holser: ?DEEINV G8 DEVEINs +69 79
#note this was the saddest moment of 2021
>Josh_Sokol: BGGLNNT 12E BL.NG +9 34
#note I should be so dead here
>Paul_Holser: CEIIR 13I ICIER +20 99
>Josh_Sokol: AEGINNT L6 ANTIGEN. +70 104
#note so damn lucky
>Paul_Holser: AAH K9 AAH +27 126
>Josh_Sokol: DGLPWYZ 6J GL.ZY +30 134
#note The Z is a very nice letter here, so GL(A)DY and W(AG)GLY might be OK. I was unsure of WAGGLY. I just took points, was unsure if this was right. #questionable
>Paul_Holser: AO M6 .OA +18 144
>Josh_Sokol: DDIOPRW N2 WIDD. +26 160
#note I think better than DOWDY for defense
>Paul_Holser: IQ M3 QI +47 191
#note dah
>Josh_Sokol: ?OPRRSS O1 POS +32 192
#note SSR? to the rescue
>Paul_Holser: EO H14 OE +7 198
>Josh_Sokol: ?ORRRSY 15H .RROR +6 198
#note I don't want to open here based on his last play. I was confident on this board. #questionable
>Paul_Holser: J 10J J.. +27 225
>Josh_Sokol: ?MSSTWY 4L T..Y +37 235
#note the Y was godsend
>Paul_Holser: CEE 13C CEE +14 239
>Josh_Sokol: ?ELMSSW M11 ME.LS +23 258
>Paul_Holser: IINO C9 IONI. +8 247
>Josh_Sokol: ?AOSTVW B8 VOW +32 290
#note ridiculous drawing on my part
>Paul_Holser: BETU N8 TUBE +24 271
>Josh_Sokol: ?AAERST 5E ARiSTAE +81 371
#note lmao
>Paul_Holser: AFMO H1 FOAM. +39 310
>Josh_Sokol: AEFIKLT 3C KALIF.TE +90 461
#note unbelievable game this was
>Paul_Holser: ADENPSU O11 SPUED +43 353
>Josh_Sokol: ORT 2B ROT +14 475
>Josh_Sokol: (AN) +4 479
Player 2
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