Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Sid_Murali Sid Murali
#player2 Josh_Sokol Josh Sokol
>Sid_Murali: OOX 8H OXO +20 20
>Josh_Sokol: GLLMRTV J6 VL.G +16 16
>Sid_Murali: ?AFHINP 9H PI. +21 41
>Josh_Sokol: ELMORTU 7G UM +12 28
>Sid_Murali: EEJ 10F JEE +34 75
>Josh_Sokol: AELORTT E5 RETOTAL +89 117
#note oh wow, that was fortunate
>Sid_Murali: ?HIINOT D2 THIOnIN +78 153
#note this looked very bad. Sad.
>Josh_Sokol: AADGUWZ - +0 117
#note #knowledgesaddest
>Sid_Murali: CEIN F3 NICE +17 170
>Josh_Sokol: AADGUWZ 3C W.A.G +28 145
#note saw GUA(NO) to set up Z but that seemed really weak.
>Sid_Murali: IIIII -IIIII +0 170
>Josh_Sokol: ADESTUZ H1 ZEST +55 200
#note 6 points fewer for ZAS? Nah boiiiiiiiii #questionable
>Sid_Murali: EHMP 8A PHE..M +39 209
>Josh_Sokol: ADRUUUW -UUUW +0 200
>Sid_Murali: AACE A7 A.ACE +9 218
>Josh_Sokol: AADINRT 11H RADIANT +75 275
>Sid_Murali: AEEO 1H .OEAE +15 233
>Josh_Sokol: ?BIKRRU O8 BRUsK +53 328
#note time to outrun
>Sid_Murali: EEIORRT M7 ORIE.TER +70 303
>Josh_Sokol: BEIIRSY 14J YIR.S +32 360
#note I have the last E, I'm doing fairly well here no matter what. Thought I'd push things forward
>Sid_Murali: DV C7 D.V +19 322
>Josh_Sokol: BEGIIOY 12G GYBE +38 398
#note counted this as 40 for some reason. I think I like BOGIE 15F now that this scores two fewer. #countingsaddest #strategysmall
>Sid_Murali: ADQSU 15G SQUAD +53 375
>Josh_Sokol: DFFIILO 2J FIDO +34 432
#note no 7s fit. Nothing to block but I just played it safe here, this might be best anyway #questionable
>Sid_Murali: LNNOSUW N2 SWOUN +38 413
>Josh_Sokol: AFILN B11 FINAL +21 453
#note INF(O) is 11(!) points better than this somehow since I block and set up A(W)L 3M for 24. lol #endgamelarge
>Josh_Sokol: (LN) +4 457
Player 2
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