Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Carol_Johnsen Carol Johnsen
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>Carol_Johnsen: IIII -IIII +0 0
>Peter_Kougi: ?BIKLLO 8G BILK +20 20
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *8G BILK 20 66.34% ?LO

2.11 8F ILK 14 65.33% ?BLO

2.70 8F BILK 20 65.24% ?LO

3.12 8E BILK 20 64.97% ?LO

4.62 8G KILL 16 64.41% ?BO

>Carol_Johnsen: EX J8 .EX +30 30
>Peter_Kougi: ?IILLNO 9B bILLION +65 85
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 8)
best H8 (I)LLIsION 71 68.01%

0.162 9B gILLION 65 67.75%

0.832 K9 mILLION 72 67.36%

2.48 9B jILLION 65 66.85%

4.76 9B pILLION 65 65.82%

5.31 H3 ILLIs(I)ON 58 65.45%

6.38 9B mILLION 65 65.16%

7.42*9B bILLION 65 64.87%

>Carol_Johnsen: ADDEEIR D4 REDIA.ED +72 102
>Peter_Kougi: ?EFORSS K2 FOREStS +79 164
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best K3 pROFESS 81 74.25%

1.64*K2 FOREStS 79 73.78%

2.87 K2 FROShES 79 73.11%

2.55 K2 FREScOS 79 72.97%

4.35 K2 FROiSES 79 72.27%

>Carol_Johnsen: AQT C3 QAT +28 130
>Peter_Kougi: EJNNOOV 6D .OJO +28 192
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 5)
0.434 11D (D)ONJON 28 72.21% EV

best 8A JO 28 71.88% ENNOV

3.46 E11 OVEN 20 70.45% JNO

4.98 6D (D)OVEN 17 69.83% JNO

4.74*6D (D)OJO 28 69.79% ENNV

>Carol_Johnsen: CT E5 C.T +22 152
>Peter_Kougi: EEGNNSV 3F EVENS.NG +84 276
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *3F EVENS(O)NG 84 95.54%

>Carol_Johnsen: OPZ 2D POZ +65 217
>Peter_Kougi: AADIORT 1A DATO +23 299
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 6)
0.703 10B ID(E)ATA 28 88.94% OR

best 4H TAI(R)A 23 88.79% DOR

4.24 1A ARIOT 25 87.59% AD

3.27 H1 ID(E)A 18 87.14% AORT

4.47 K10 IOTA 17 86.76% ADR

4.18*1A DATO 23 86.66% AIR

>Carol_Johnsen: FIN 10F FIN +35 252
>Peter_Kougi: AAAAEIR H1 AR.AE +18 317
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best 2J A(F)EAR 29 79.97% AAI

2.49*H1 AR(E)AE 18 78.72% AAI

2.25 E11 AIA 12 78.00% AAER

2.34 4K (R)AIA 15 77.93% AAER

5.45 C11 AIA 9 76.58% AAER

>Carol_Johnsen: MU K10 UM +17 269
>Peter_Kougi: AAEILRY 10A AY +25 342
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *10A AY 25 93.04% AEILR

9.23 2A AY 23 90.18% AEILR

14.8 12J AERILY 31 89.88% A

12.1 8A YA 16 89.60% AEILR

13.0 E11 AY 16 89.17% AEILR

>Carol_Johnsen: HU L11 UH +14 283
>Peter_Kougi: AEEILRY 2A AY +23 365
#note Not good

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
0.742 A10 (A)ERILY 30 94.80% AE

6.09 C8 A(I)RILY 30 93.69% EE

best L1 LY(N)E 28 93.62% AEIR

8.68 6I EA(S)ILY 19 93.29% ER

2.89 L1 EY(N)E 28 93.09% AILR

10.4 J1 RE(S)AY 24 92.10% EIL

10.5 2H (R)EI(F) 15 91.97% AELRY

4.21 J5 YE 16 91.90% AEILR

6.45 12J YE(H) 14 91.72% AEILR

7.79 I3 (N)YE 13 91.56% AEILR

12.6*2A AY 23 90.67% EEILR

>Carol_Johnsen: I 2J I. +11 294
>Peter_Kougi: EEILRUW M3 .LUIER +8 373
#note Dunno wtf I was doing this game

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 7)
best C7 WE(I)R 30 95.35% EILU

2.98 L3 (N)EWIE 28 94.63% LRU

4.21 M12 EW 15 93.93% EILRU

6.95 I1 RE(N)EW 24 93.60% ILU

6.61 L3 (N)EW 21 93.57% EILRU

7.16 I1 WE(N) 18 93.49% EILRU

14.9*M3 (G)LUIER 8 93.48% EW

>Carol_Johnsen: IMR M11 MIR +22 316
>Peter_Kougi: AEGOUWW N10 GUE +22 395
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 10)
best 14L WOW 24 90.45% AEGU

13.8 14J WAGE 22 90.45% OUW

13.2 N9 GAU 14 89.85% EOWW

14.8 8M (R)OW 18 89.70% AEGUW

19.3 N10 GU 15 89.39% AEOWW

11.7 14J WAWE 24 89.24% GOU

21.3 C7 WA(I) 22 88.18% EGOUW

13.3 N9 AGUE 23 85.76% OWW

20.8 I1 WE(N)A 21 85.61% GOUW

23.9*N10 GUE 22 85.61% AOWW

>Carol_Johnsen: AINPRST 14I SPRAINT +86 402
>Peter_Kougi: ACOOTWW 15H WO +17 412
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
4.52 15G OWT 20 53.48% ACOW

7.07 15G TWO 20 48.48% ACOW

best *15H WO 17 46.97% ACOTW

7.28 15H WOO 24 46.97% ACTW

3.24 15G WOT 20 45.76% ACOW

>Carol_Johnsen: EH 15K EH +20 422
>Peter_Kougi: ABCGOTW G13 WOT +16 428
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
4.00 8A CAB(A) 33 GOTW

7.00 E11 OWT 18 ABCG

9.00*G13 WOT 16 ABCG

10.0 C11 OWT 15 ABCG

11.0 G13 BOT 14 ACGW

>Carol_Johnsen: DEENTV A10 .DVENT +42 464
>Peter_Kougi: ABCG 8A CAB. +33 461
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *8A CAB(A) 33 G

5.00 F12 CAB 28 G

8.00 F12 GAB 27 C

13.0 F12 CAG 22 B

13.0 F12 BAG 22 C

>Carol_Johnsen: E F2 ..E +12 476
>Carol_Johnsen: (G) +4 480
Player 2
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