Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Sid Sid
#player2 Noah Noah
>Sid: ?EEEIRT 8F EREmITE +64 64
#note All commentary by Noah as of 12/15/21
>Noah: AEGIRSZ G7 G.AZIERS +72 72
#note Held and released.
>Sid: ACDEGSU 11E GU.D +12 76
>Noah: AAGHIUU 13C AUGU. +12 84
>Sid: ?ACELPS M8 SCALPEd +83 159
#note It's cool that this could be SCALPEl. There are 2x2s here, though.
>Noah: AEHHIRY 12K HY.HA +34 118
>Sid: ADILOOT 11J TOO. +23 182
#note Sid laid down ZOOID first.
>Noah: ADEIORY H13 YOD +33 151
>Sid: ADEILLN O8 LIEN.L +18 200
>Noah: AEIORTW 10J IOT. +22 173
>Sid: AADNNOR 12C ANA +17 217
>Noah: AAEMMRW 7G .AMMER +30 203
>Sid: DELNOQR - +0 217
#note I don't think I was expecting the hold here, and even after the hold, the challenge. Quite nice to get at this point in the game.
>Noah: AIOTVVW 6J AVOW +28 231
>Sid: DELNOQR -LQ +0 217
>Noah: ABEITVW M3 VIE. +20 251
#note Wasn't sure about this turn. WAB and co felt kind of gross after an exchange 2.
>Sid: DEFKNOR 4L F.NK +32 249
>Noah: ABPSTTW O1 BAW. +39 290
>Sid: DEEEIOR N12 .EED +21 270
>Noah: BPSTTTU H4 TUB.. +8 298
#note Questionable. I think I was excited about blocking RAMI, but this leave could be bad in many situations.
>Sid: EILNORS N6 SO +17 287
>Noah: CNPSTTX -CPTTX +0 298
#note Joey thought this was suboptimal. Really? Hm. Sim does much prefer TUX. Maybe that makes sense. Blocks, scores a bit. Though it keeps consos, there's not that much that happens on this board anyway, I guess. Still, I'm not sure. I could see a shorter exchange being better than this also, giventhea good number of vowels in the pool.
>Sid: EIILNRR I3 RIN +8 295
>Noah: DIIJNOS B6 DISJOIN +75 373
#note I think I surged this onto the board almost immediately following RIN, but JIN B6 looks really strong, leaving almost no bingos open for Sid. This might be quite a big error. I think there are still ways for him to win after JIN, but DISJOIN seems to leave many potential winning lines for him (not necessarily involving bingoing, as is shown shortly), especially given his range after RIN.
>Sid: EEILRTX 4H ..X +10 305
#note Sid didn't have much time here. EXILE looks like a good play, winning with at least an O draw.
>Noah: CFNPQRT 7A C.NQ +16 389
>Sid: EEILORT A4 TRI.E +33 338
>Noah: FPRT 10A F.RT +7 396
>Sid: ELO 4A .OLE +8 346
>Sid: (P) +6 352
Player 2
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