Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Sid Sid
#player2 Noah Noah
>Sid: AFLOPRT 8F FLOP +18 18
>Noah: ?AEGHNY H4 HYAl.GEN +68 68
#note I need to win by 190 to tie Sid for first on spread here, but I also just want to win the game, because if I lose, I have a good chance of getting worse than second.
>Sid: AKLRRTX 6F KR.AL +21 39
>Noah: EIILMRU 4H .ELIUM +22 90
#note Don't think I saw PILEUM.
>Sid: ANRSTVX 10G V.XT +16 55
>Noah: ABGIOOR 9G A.O +26 116
>Sid: AILNRRS K3 R.NS +18 73
>Noah: BEGIORT 11C BIOGE. +25 141
>Sid: AABILRT 10B BAAL +20 93
>Noah: DDFJRRT -DDFJRT +0 141
#note Sim likes keeping the J.
>Sid: DIINRRT 12E RID +19 112
>Noah: EEEINNR M2 ER.INE +18 159
#note ERNE looks good here, don't think I saw it.
>Sid: EINORTW L7 TWINER +28 140
>Noah: ADEIJNT 9A TAJ +42 201
>Sid: ?AFOOWY 8A AW +29 169
>Noah: ADEEIIN 13C EIDE +19 220
>Sid: ?FIOOUY K11 YOU +24 193
>Noah: ADEINOS N6 ANODISE +69 289
>Sid: ?FGIOTT O8 mOTIF +52 245
>Noah: CINORST 14I CORTINS +79 368
>Sid: CEGPTUU O4 CUP +15 260
>Noah: ADEOSVZ 7C ZEDA +34 402
>Sid: EEGMQTU M13 Q. +22 282
>Noah: HOSV D3 SHOV. +22 424
>Noah: (EEGMTU) +18 442
Player 2
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