Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Josh Josh
>Noah: AADPRST 8G DAP +12 12
>Josh: ACEEMNN 9F CANE +19 19
>Noah: ?ARRSTY 10G STRAYeR +73 85
#note Tricky, also considered mARTYRS and other placements of this.
>Josh: EFIMNTV 11I VIE +33 52
#note 11I MIEN sims better. Interesting. #questionable
>Noah: ADDENRS 12C DANDERS +80 165
>Josh: AFLLMNT 13A FLAM +28 80
>Noah: DGMOOOT 11D GOO +21 186
#note Not sure I saw GROOM. GROOM blocks eights, but sets up some annoying setup potential for him.
>Josh: EGLLNTV -GLLV +0 80
#note *shrug* #questionable
>Noah: DHMOOTU 10B HOOD +27 213
>Josh: EINTTUY A11 NI.TY +36 116
#note TU(F)TY is a huge miss #findinglarge
>Noah: AAFMSTU N10 SAMFU +36 249
>Josh: EEGITUW O11 WEET +25 141
>Noah: ?AEGTTU L3 bAGUETT. +66 315
>Josh: ABGHIJU 9A JUG +23 164
#note totally missed JUBBAH and JIBBAH and JIBBA through the blank B! #findinglarge
>Noah: EIILPQZ 6K Q.IZ +42 357
>Josh: ABEHIRV A7 HA. +39 203
>Noah: EEILPRU B1 PUERILE +77 434
>Josh: BEIORRV M1 VIER +18 221
#note just give up muh dude #spreadsavingsaddest
>Noah: IILOOWX A1 OXO +53 487
>Josh: BEIKNOR 1K BE.OR +33 254
>Noah: CIILLOW 13L WI.. +20 507
>Josh: BIKNNNS 5B .NK +7 261
>Noah: CEEILLO 4D OLEIC +32 539
>Josh: ABIINNS 14A .ABS +30 291
#note H1 BAN(C)S #endgamemedium -5
>Noah: ELT 12K TE +20 559
>Josh: IINN N6 .IN +12 303
>Noah: L G12 .L +3 562
#note LINK
>Noah: (IN) +4 566
Player 2
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