Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Kevin_Fraley Kevin Fraley
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Kevin_Fraley: ?GIORRU 8F pRURIGO +66 66
>Joshua_Sokol: AJLLPTY J6 JA.L +27 27
>Kevin_Fraley: HIOT K3 THIO +23 89
>Joshua_Sokol: DGLOPTY L7 G.ODLY +22 49
#note missed GLOOPY in the same spot, which I imagine has to be better. PHYTOL I didn't count, but it seems potentially worth playing due to scor. POTTY looked awful. #findingsmall
>Kevin_Fraley: BIMR L1 BRIM +38 127
>Joshua_Sokol: ?DEHPTT 1L .ETH +27 76
>Kevin_Fraley: AEU K11 EAU +15 142
>Joshua_Sokol: ?DIPRTV 11J V..D +8 84
>Kevin_Fraley: IWY G6 WI.Y +15 157
>Joshua_Sokol: ?IOPRTU N8 POUTIeR +79 163
#note This is a mistake. PROTIUM was a word, I was unsure of it. #knowledgemedium
>Kevin_Fraley: AEIL O5 ILEA +24 181
#note averted disaster
>Joshua_Sokol: ENQST -Q +0 163
#note not sure my two other tiles, but they were bad.
>Kevin_Fraley: IU N1 .UI +6 187
>Joshua_Sokol: CEENNST O13 TEC +18 181
#note #questionable
>Kevin_Fraley: IT M13 TI +11 198
>Joshua_Sokol: EENNNSW 15K WEN +10 191
>Kevin_Fraley: D 9N .D +9 207
#note This is absolutely horrendous. #knowledgelarge
>Joshua_Sokol: ENNNOSX -NNX +0 191
#note NONNE(W)S is really cool #strategylarge #questionable
>Kevin_Fraley: F 14L F... +12 219
>Joshua_Sokol: AACENOS N5 AA +10 201
>Kevin_Fraley: S 11J .....S +10 229
>Joshua_Sokol: CEMNOOS F5 COM. +20 221
>Kevin_Fraley: AEINRV H1 RAVINE +36 265
>Joshua_Sokol: AELNOPS F5 ....O +13 234
>Kevin_Fraley: ESX E9 SEX +26 291
>Joshua_Sokol: AEELNPS 2B SPELAE.N +74 308
>Kevin_Fraley: ABNR D10 BARN +25 316
>Joshua_Sokol: DEEKOQZ 4G Q. +11 319
#note ZEE blocks a lot of bingos but I might lose a Q stick. However, Kevin is super low on time, so I should be more confident in my ability to pull off a win after ZEE C11. #questionable
>Kevin_Fraley: EFGNNOT C11 FOE +31 347
>Joshua_Sokol: DEEKOTZ B13 ZEK +44 363
>Kevin_Fraley: AGNNS 15A S.AG +33 380
>Joshua_Sokol: DEOT 3A TOED +23 386
#note -2 to ODE blocking N(A)N and slowplaying. He also would have gone over if I did that. Takes guts. #endgamesmall
>Joshua_Sokol: (NN) +4 390
#note something was underscored by 2, so final recorded as 388-380