Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Sid Sid
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>Sid: AAB 8F ABA +10 10
>Jackson: IIIMTUZ 7H ZITI +25 25
#note Didn't consider 9C, I think I should do that to prevent worse parallels or row 8 and column L plays
>Sid: ACEGNY 9G AGENCY +32 42
>Jackson: EIMNTUU 8L MUNI +37 62
>Sid: DLORUWY -DLOR +0 42
>Jackson: AELNTUW 10B WALNUT +24 86
>Sid: ?ENOUWY -ENOU +0 42
>Jackson: EEIINPT D8 PI.EI +20 106
>Sid: EGIORSS N4 GORI.ESS +63 105
>Jackson: AENRSTU 11G SAUNTER. +72 178
>Sid: ?BDEIVY -BDEIV +0 105
>Jackson: CDELNOS 8A CLO. +24 202
#note Maybe I should do ACOLD for longer term defense... I didn't like how CLOP actually just opens marginal lanes, whereas I could leave the spot along and play at C9 later to truly inhibit the top left. It does suck to throw out floaters with ACOLD, but it also outruns better.... this is probably a mistake
>Sid: DEIOOR O1 OROIDE +33 138
>Jackson: ADENOQS K4 QAD. +28 230
>Sid: AFGHOPX 12J OAF +26 164
>Jackson: ENOOSTU 13J ONTO +20 250
#note or OUT, which gives me NOON to make bigger blocks later. I kinda wanted to block H11 AX plays or other openings he can make there. basically just trying to outscore here since bingo leaves aren't so great on this board
>Sid: EEKL H11 .KELE +42 206
#note damn didn't even consider that this was phony! AKELA AKENE fuck
>Jackson: AEGRRSU 15B REARGU.S +60 310
>Sid: VV 5J V.V +9 215
>Jackson: AEHLNTW 2J WHALE. +40 350
>Sid: X 7M X. +34 249
>Jackson: EHIMNRT L1 N.TI.E +45 395
>Sid: ?BDDEIT 11C B.E +18 267
>Jackson: DFHJMRY 14M FRY +23 418
>Sid: ??DEIOP A1 DEsPOtI. +92 359
>Sid: (DHJMT) +36 395
Player 2
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