Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>Noah: AAEIMNO 8D ANOMIE +18 18
#note Exchanging AO actually sims a bit better here!
>Jackson: DENOOPR 7F POOD +26 26
#note missed PRENOON, which I probably would have played. POOD is fine though, very defensive. I don't mind a prenoon board though, it seems mostly stylistic between the two
>Noah: AEEENWY 9I WEENY +30 48
#note EEEW sims very close with this -- it greatly limits Jackson's comebacks.
>Jackson: ?EIKNOR L6 mON.IKER +74 100
#note confused DONNIKER and MONIKER here, damn. this is no good Noah: Tough turn, I held for a while. I knew MONIKER and MONICKER, and thought there might have been another alternative spelling or two as well. The fact that he could have played other bingos (and even put down EINKORNs) was also compelling.
>Noah: AEINRTU F6 U.. +7 55
#note Sim favors AUK, which I think makes sense with the open A.
>Jackson: DEELMTX M3 TELEX +58 158
>Noah: AEINNRT 13H INER.ANT +68 123
>Jackson: ACDFMRU O10 FAC.UM +48 206
>Noah: AEGOQVZ H11 OG.VE +33 156
#note Maybe VIGA, to preserve row 10, though the 8 lines seem a bit worse after VIGA.
>Jackson: CDEFORT D7 F.CTORED +78 284
>Noah: AELQSVZ 10B QA. +32 188
>Jackson: GHSSTUW 10I SH +34 318
#note TUSS(E)H is so sweet! definitely the play
>Noah: AELNSVZ 13C Z.N +24 212
>Jackson: EGRSTUW 14J WEST +44 362
>Jackson: EGRSTUW -- -44 318
#note was thinking of doing SEGU(E) to block the more dangerous lane, which I shoulda done! I considered he'd challenge or hold monnikers* but I figured it was probably good cause he accepted before Noah: Tough challenge! Glad I pulled the trigger here. The stream watchers were surprised, as they believed dONNIKER had been played earlier.
>Noah: AAELSUV 3H VALUA.ES +62 274
>Jackson: EGRSTUW O1 GU.T +18 336
>Noah: ?BHIILR L1 BL.H +34 308
#note There is a really nice play here!
>Jackson: EJRSSTW G2 JET +24 360
#note JAW is standard but EVALUATES can be used to fork, or h1 plays. this blocks all those possibilities and sets up scoring plays on row 5
>Noah: ?ADIIOR N10 ID +15 323
#note Last turn's play was BIER -- saving a nicer leave and keeping the G open for InG bingos. With so many Is left here, I really want to use one of them. Not sure if this is the right call. AERO is playing here, but I am hesitant to keep the double I leave here.
>Jackson: GIRSSWY C4 GYRI +15 375
#note figure this will outrun 15 row bingoes cause this leaves 7 in the bag
>Noah: ?AIIOOR 4A RA.I +12 335
#note Trying to open *something* for myself. Maybe with AERO, I have some chance to win by outscoring? I could hit WO at N6 or WOVE at H1, perhaps.
>Jackson: ADEISSW A1 WAI. +21 396
>Noah: ?IIOORT N7 OI +12 347
>Jackson: ABDELSS 14A BLA.ES +35 431
>Noah: ?IOPRT 15G P.RIdOT +9 356
#note yIP 15A is optimal. OvERTIP also scores more.
>Noah: (DS) +6 362
Player 2
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