Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 TheBigEZ Eddie Zurav
#player2 skaplan31 Samuel Kaplan
#description Created with Macondo
#note Rd 3 Philly virtual 9-12-2021. His best play.
>skaplan31: ?AORRRU 9G ROAR +12 12
#note That 3 Rs rack was very annoying to start. I unfortunately did not see G2 ARmOUR(E)R, and C8 (A)URORA was a much better play if I'm gonna miss the bingo. #findingbad
>TheBigEZ: ABEGJNU 10F JAG +35 69
#note We both missed the UN(AVOWED) extension the whole game. He's got a great 2-move score after UNAVOWED.
>skaplan31: ?AIOPRU D6 PA.IOURs +74 86
#note Good thing I found this only bingo at least.
>TheBigEZ: BELNTUU 13B UN.UBTLE +72 141
#note Nice find by Ed.
>skaplan31: EHIPRYZ C7 Z.P +55 141
#note Best play.
>TheBigEZ: CEFNNSV H12 C.EF +36 177
#note It is hard for one to pass up B10 VEN(U)S, but I understand this move too. The sim doesn't seem to mind parting ways with the S if it means not keeping NNV together.
>skaplan31: EHIRSXY 6D .YX +31 172
#note I felt that Column E was gonna be harder for Ed to reparallel after PYX vs PIXY, and it also keeps a better leave. This time, RE(AVOWED) was missed by both of us as well. B10 XERUS was considered too for 25 more, but this board won't really have great scoring hotspots besides the F6 spot for my Y. XERUS might have been my move if I was ahead and was looking to outrun more on a more closed board.
>TheBigEZ: AEENNSV B10 VEN.E +32 209
#note Looks like the clear best play.
>skaplan31: AEHIRRS K3 HARRIES +75 247
#note Holy crap J7 HA(R)RIERS would have been excellent vision all around! My win % is slight ly higher after my move, so not a huge deal that I didn't see it.
>TheBigEZ: ADINOOS 12H .ONOID +20 229
>skaplan31: CDDIKNY M9 KID.Y +38 285
#note Best play.
>TheBigEZ: AGINSTT 6H STA.TING +63 292
#note Because of the GHARRIES hook, 2E TASTING or STATING are 74 each.
>skaplan31: CDHLNRS 4I CH.RD +22 307
#note This is a nice consonant drop if I don't suspect that Ed will spot the ECHARD hook, but E5 H(Y)S(O)N is preferable here. #visionlarge
>TheBigEZ: EFGILOT N8 GIF +34 326
#note And he actually did miss it due to H1 FILETS.
>skaplan31: ?BILNSU 15D BLUe.INS +65 372
#note If I had seen UN(AVOWED), I definitely would have played that instead of this not so great bingo. Last game I was faced with a similar "scenario" due to not even seeing the bingo, but UNAVOWED is clearly better.
>TheBigEZ: AEELOTT 5E OAT +25 351
>skaplan31: AEEIILQ G3 QA. +22 394
#note While I do take out big plays with ECHARD as well as high scoring Row 4 bingoes, my draw after this cost me this one. But let's be honest, I made a few mistakes before this play.
>TheBigEZ: EELOOTW 4A OWLET +24 375
#note Ed has nothing to lose, he might as well do this.
>skaplan31: EEEIILT A3 I.LITE +18 412
>TheBigEZ: AEEMMOS 3K .AEMS +28 403
#note One of 2 wins for Ed- if I attempt to block 2L EMO with O1 ENS, he still has 2L OME(N). I can't outrun 2L EMO either. 3K HAEM also wins for him because I'm forced to do 11J EN to not give him a very high scoring out play with 2N EN (he'd have 1L SOME for many more).
>skaplan31: EEN 11J EN +10 422
#note That's the best I got. No wins.
>TheBigEZ: EMO 2L EMO +27 430
#note Easily best for him and he seems to have my number. Props to him on finding 1 of only 2 wins. M1 QAID would have prevented this endgame from happening when I did QAT, although high scoring reparallels on Row 4 were certainly possible. Then again, missing the AVOWED extentions was just bad.
>TheBigEZ: (E) +2 432