Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jackson Jackson
#player2 Jason Jason
>Jackson: EIMNNOS -N +0 0
#note classic long medium short opening rack - MONIE, NOM, ex N. I think MONIE is definitely worst, then it's somewhat closer. I love exchanging always and forever
>Jason: EFLOOY 8G FLOOEY +32 32
>Jackson: AEIMNOS H8 .AMINOSE +83 83
>Jason: EILLORV K5 LOV.LIER +94 126
>Jackson: BIINNSW G13 WIN +23 106
>Jason: ADW J4 DAW +30 156
>Jackson: BCEINSS I7 C.B +20 126
>Jason: BTTUU L1 BUTUT +23 179
>Jackson: DEINSSV 10F VI.S +25 151
>Jason: AEU 1L .EAU +18 197
>Jackson: ADEENSS 2G DANSE.SE +78 229
>Jason: EHO 1H HOE +37 234
>Jackson: AAEITYZ 12K .ITZ +26 255
#note I felt like RITZY might have been the call here, but wanted to try this out. this sims well. the thinking was that the Y here with ritzy is actually quite a big scoring spot, so it's more defensive to do the setup. I thought he might see it as a setup, but he definitely didn't. The issue with RITZ is that the Z just gets organically blocked fairly often, and then he may occasionally block the setup. I think LAZY may even be best here, or 3g AYE. this does sim best
>Jason: CEORR N9 CRO.ER +38 272
>Jackson: ?AAEGMY O11 MY +36 291
>Jason: DEFOOPR 3B PROOFED +89 361
>Jackson: ?AAEGNN 4A GAEN +24 315
#note saw TANNAGE but wasn't 100% sure, and didn't love how much it gave back. I missed NEOPAGAN though, which is sick and looks best for sure. I should also possibly do 4f ane here as well, the A column lane i'm making isn't amazing, and there are Is out, and it forces him to block
>Jason: AUX F3 .AUX +30 391
>Jackson: ?AEINRR 15A ENtRAI..R +77 392
>Jason: K 14F K.. +33 424
>Jackson: AIJLNQT 5E Q.IT +26 418
#note I liked keeping GANJA and GAIJIN draws, but it won't be a very easy game to win without the blank. Should I go all in on the blank wiht QINTAR and cede endgame timing? I thought I could still sometimes win without the blank if he has drek and I draw a J play
>Jason: ?DGIPTT L11 D.G +8 432
#note this is a cool play, blocking possible crozers blocks and threatening bingoes/drawing a more balanced rack for the endgame. It may be problematic if he doesn't draw a crozers play though, in which case a normal out in two could beat him
>Jackson: AAGIJLN A4 .ANJA +39 457
>Jason: ?EHIPTT 15K THEsP +56 488
#note find the best endgame
>Jackson: GIL C12 GIL. +8 465
>Jackson: (IT) +4 469