Player 1 |
#player1 Joel_Horn Joel Horn
#player2 Sam Sam
>Joel_Horn: GILNT 8D GLINT +16 16
#note Joel put down LINT, sighed at it, then perked up and added the G with a happy grin.
>Sam: AABINOO 9B ABOON +17 17
#note Totally forgot about the front hooks, and opening the TLS is definitely worse than I thought at the time. A simple ABO 7E or something would do.
>Joel_Horn: EGNU C9 .EGUN +16 32
#note Looks like Joel didn't know/forgot about GABOON as well.
>Sam: AADEIIS 10A ID.A +20 37
#note Missed SIALOID for a double-double.
>Joel_Horn: AKU 7G AUK +18 50
>Sam: AAEISTT J7 SATIATE +67 104
#note SIGH
>Joel_Horn: APY 12A YA.P +26 76
>Sam: ?AEORTU 11E AEROn.UT +78 182
#note Bigger SIGH and GRUMBLE
>Joel_Horn: EIW L9 WI.E +14 90
>Sam: DDEEFIL 14D DEFILED +87 269
#note Even bigger SIGH and bigger GRUMBLE
>Joel_Horn: ALNP 13G PAN.L +23 113
>Sam: ?EEIOOV M7 VOE +17 286
#note Didn't notice OVOLO during the game, but this is fine.
>Joel_Horn: INS A12 .INS +21 134
>Sam: ?CEILOO 6A OCELOId +68 354
#note Insta-challenge, followed by unbelievably huge GRUMBLE
>Joel_Horn: OX - +0 134
>Sam: IRRSTVZ A3 VIZ.RS +57 411
#note Everything short of screaming.
>Joel_Horn: OX 3A .OX +26 160
>Sam: EFJRRRT 2B JET +47 458
#note "That's got to be the last!!!"
>Joel_Horn: Q F5 Q. +11 171
>Sam: EFMRRRW H10 M.R..E +27 485
>Joel_Horn: HO B14 OH +19 190
>Sam: EFMRRTW N8 FEW +28 513
#note Harder to block than FEM
>Joel_Horn: ABEINSY C5 B.Y +12 202
>Sam: EGMRRRT 1C REG +18 531
>Joel_Horn: ACDHINS 9L ...D +8 210
#note SINH M12 is right according to Quackle, and is a nice play.
>Sam: MRRTU E13 R.M +5 536
#note MURR M12 is ten points better. I don't think I noticed JOT.
>Joel_Horn: ACHINS M11 SHIN +27 237
>Sam: RTU I4 TUR. +8 544
>Sam: (AC) +8 552