Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 skaplan31 Samuel Kaplan
#player2 joeboy2 Joel Horn
#description Created with Macondo
>skaplan31: ADFILRT 8D FLAIR +24 24
#note Rd 3 Philly virtual 7-4-2021. Maybe FLIRT is a little better than this.
>joeboy2: EENTUWW 9G NEW +16 16
#note As much as many options suck, exchanging EUWW does actually jump to the top of the sim. A better way to play thru this rack after I'm random enough is maybe 9C WE or G5 UNWIT, depending on the style that one prefers.
>skaplan31: ADDEEIT J5 IDEATED +72 96
#note Turns out, I'm bingoing no matter what. I also saw E3 DETAI(L)ED as the only 8 that plays.
>joeboy2: EINTUUW 7G WIN. +25 41
#note Gotta love symmetrical boards! Again, nothing is very good for him here. It doesn't surprise me that exchanging does top the sim again, and his best equity moves playing thru the rack are K1 UNWIT or 11H WUD.
>skaplan31: AAEIMOT 11G AMI.O +16 112
#note So I didn't get any floaters for a 5v8 that I hoped for (METANOIA, TOXAEMIA, and AZOTEMIA are the words I found pretty quickly due to a previous Aerolith experience). K10 MOA, K11 AMIA, and E2 OATMEAL are all plays I considered. I chose this most defensive option in part because AMIDO only takes an L. Also, WIN takes many hooks so I liked how well my play addressed that too.
>joeboy2: EITUUVY 12K IVY +20 61
#note Nice fork, 12D TIVY accomplishes similar tasks and scores 5 more but keeps worse.
>skaplan31: ACDEOPT K1 COAPTED +90 202
#note Mhm
>joeboy2: ?EIRTUU M12 .URT +14 75
#note I don't blame Joel for being aggressive. It's now or never at this point.
>skaplan31: EENOSSZ 2J Z.NES +68 270
#note I liked how much more defensive this was compared to 2I OZONES, but unfortunately, E4 ZONELESS does play for 118 pts. #findingbad on this play.
>joeboy2: ?EHIRTU 3M HI +22 97
#note Luckily, Joel missed the easier to see 12A HIRsUTE for 78 and 12A lUTHIER for 70 which I would have seen, as well as D3 THUrI(F)ER for 76, which I would not have seen. 12A HIRsUTE would have been my move if I was in Joel's shoes, he needs volatility ASAP when he's down 195 pts. Unsurprisingly, 12A HIRsUTE does top the sim.
>skaplan31: EGNOOSU 15K OU.GO +21 291
#note No reason to not take this out.
>joeboy2: ?EEGRTU 12A GEsTURE +70 167
#note E4 REGU(L)aTE is in play for 82.
>skaplan31: EEIINSS A12 .IEN +15 306
>joeboy2: CDORRSV E11 C.R +10 177
#note I like I1 CORD here- it allows him an opportunity to start opening the top of the board up easily.
>skaplan31: EGIMSSU O3 MUG +15 321
>joeboy2: DLLORSV -LLV +0 177
#note I1 DOLL looks fine here.
>skaplan31: AEIJOSS 14M .AJ +35 356
#note No telegraphing Ss and scoring = job done.
>joeboy2: ABDORST B7 BROAD.ST +82 259
#note That is a nice fit.
>skaplan31: EIOSSVX 14D VEX +35 391
#note No reason for me to make a Column I play just yet. That's what I'm saving my O for.
>joeboy2: BEHNOTY C3 BOTHY +45 304
>skaplan31: AAFIOSS A7 AAS +25 416
>joeboy2: EEKNOQR D1 KEEN +34 338
>skaplan31: AEFILOS 1D .ALIF +36 452
#note No way will I be able to Q-stick him unless something miraculous happens, so I had the right idea to score again, but 1A FOLKIE is slightly better. #findingsmall
>joeboy2: ILLNOQR E3 LORN +16 354
#note And by drawing the blank, he is Q-stuck. I acutally thought he had it after he played KEEN, even though he kinda needed to be aggressive again. Having said that, he does have 15E RILL knowing he's not getting the Q off his rack.
>skaplan31: ?EOPS 15E SiPE +30 482
#note I did see 10J (E)POdES as an out play. Spread matters, so not going out is better. 1K (C)OmPS is nice which was a miss. #visionlarge
>joeboy2: ILQ C9 LI +9 363
#note Looks good.
>skaplan31: O 4K .O +8 490
#note Forgot about 2I OZONES unfortunately. Good job racking up spread decently.
>skaplan31: (Q) +20 510