Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Carl Carl
#player2 Noah Noah
>Carl: OPRRSTT 8G PORT +12 12
>Noah: AAEIKOU J7 O.AKU +19 19
#note Also considered AUK. Though I didn't go through everything explicitly, Carl seemed likely to have all low-scoring consonants, often an S, but not necessarily (NRT seems reasonable). Carl pointed out that AUK takes out all S ending hooks, which I don't think I really appreciated. That's pretty nice. Inferring r[ns]t, sim (4-ply, 4891 iterations) prefers AUK by around a point.
>Carl: DIORSTT F6 DISTORT +71 83
>Noah: AEEILNS G8 .E +8 27
#note I wondered about LINES vs. LANES -- LINES is quite a bit better. This sims close with TINEA, which I missed.
>Carl: ?EILOOU E10 LOUIE +18 101
>Noah: AEILNST 15B ELASTIN +80 107
>Carl: ?FGLORS K2 GOLFeRS +80 181
>Noah: EINRUVW 3I VR.UW +30 137
#note I noticed a little later how close I had been to SPORTSWEAR! Carl would be one letter off of it himself, later in the game.
>Carl: EHJNQST H5 JET.N +15 196
#note A play here by Carl which I thought was a big mistake -- we talked about the rack after the game, and it sounds like he saw the QU combo and got tracked toward keeping the Q, rather than exchange, which I would have preferred. But the sim actually has JETON even with an exchange, to my surprise! It likes QUEST best. Post QUEST, the HJN leave does have some decent potential: HADJ, JO.
>Noah: AEIMNRV B10 VENIR. +34 171
>Carl: ?EEHPQS 13D Q. +11 207
#note Looks close with EQUES and various other one and two tile Q plays.
>Noah: AACEEIM K10 AMICE +32 203
#note I missed AMIE, but these both look fine.
>Carl: ?EEHIPS E1 ImPHEES +77 284
#note After the game, I pointed out SHEEP. Carl seemed to prefer that, while I was less sure. My static scoring difference is actually about 7.5 between the two plays. And HE is neck and neck with SHEEP: EIPS? bingos SO much more (around 50% points per the sim!!) than I? next turn.
>Noah: ADEHOTX 1C OX.DATE +69 272
>Carl: ABCEEGY 4A BEEC.Y +38 322
#note Q suggests BEACHY -- AAAAE left in the pool. BACCY looked a little interesting to me, but it seems like I rarely bingo after any of the three plays here mentioned.
>Noah: ADFGHIN 14J F.IGN +34 306
#note I still have a minuscule chance to draw into SPORTSWEAR! Or maybe some kind of HAND play? I could maybe fish with something like FAH ... Quackle thinks I'm not actually that desperate, though, liking FACING a bit over this as top play on win%, though not on points.
>Carl: AAEGINR N8 ANEARI.G +61 383
#note A bit of a scary play to make -- I can certainly hit Carl with monsters like ZONAL and WOOZY, or a bingo. Something like ANIMA or AIRBAG may be better, since the pool isn't very bingo friendly on this board. I do still have some big plays, like MOCHA (or BZ plays after ANIMA), available after Carl chooses something more defensive. So AIRBAG seems better to me than ANIMA. I'm also pretty tempted by AIRBAG over ANEARING, but maybe my scoring threats after a non-bingo make ANEARING worth it.
>Noah: AAADHOY O7 AYAH +52 358
#note Quackle is liking AAH O6. Is this just a fluke of the endgame solver? It feels like he can just easily take out my big Z plays when I draw them and win, against that. Maybe YODH, which I didn't see?
>Carl: DILMOUW A1 WOM. +33 416
#note WILED 6B, saving DUMBO, is close.
>Noah: ABDNOZ 12K .ZA.D +34 392
#note At first, I thought I might be able to get in the way of FLUID, but then I noticed his ultimate play. NOB M6 would cut some extra spread if LUDIC was not available.
>Carl: DILU 13G LUDI. +16 432
>Carl: (BNO) +10 442
Player 2
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