Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 skaplan31 skaplan31
#player2 joeboy2 joeboy2
#description Created with Macondo
>skaplan31: ADIINOS - +0 0
#note Rd 6 Philly virtual 5-16-2021. Standings after Rd 5: Robin Lewis 5-0 +491 (Gibsonized, well done!), then Joel 3-2 +224, then me 3-2 +222, then Ed Zurav 2-3 -256. Pretty much gonna be either place or show for me.
>joeboy2: BGNORTY 8D BORTY +26 26
#note 8H is 2 more, but this also works to not give back easy points with vowel placement.
>skaplan31: ADIINOS D7 O.SIDIAN +72 72
#note Good thing he made his placment instead of 8H, I'd be left with no choice but to play the bingo and just hope he can't slam me with OBSIDIANS.
>joeboy2: CEEGNQS 10C Q. +11 37
#note Well it turns out he would have slammed me with 15H SCENE.
>skaplan31: AADIPTU 14B PU.DIT +22 94
#note Definitely not doing 14B PINTADA here. Nothing blocks the OBSIDIANS hook extremely well, so I just wanted a play that would allow me to turn over some stuff.
>joeboy2: CEEGINS F4 GENE.ICS +69 106
#note His best play. E5 GENOISE is a super nice play too.
>skaplan31: ?AAEHKT 15F TAKE +28 122
#note Missed 15F TAKAHEs for 93. Maybe do TAKA in this spot instead of TAKE?
>joeboy2: DEFISUV 4D VU. +14 120
#note E5 FIDO looks nice!
>skaplan31: ?AHJNRY C5 HAJ +38 160
#note I did consider 15A YAH as well for 2 less, but since he only played off 2 tiles, it didn't look like he could have kept the Z, otherwise he would have cashed it in already.
>joeboy2: DEFINST E3 F.D +20 140
#note This plays at C13 for 4 more but I do like how this takes out easy 2x2s.
>skaplan31: ?CGNPRY C13 Y.P +26 186
#note Now I'm feeling the effects of missing TAKAHEs. Best scoring play available.
>joeboy2: ?EILNST H1 SILENTl. +83 223
#note I think TENSIbL(Y) in this spot works better for him to not slot the S in a dangerous position.
>skaplan31: ?CFGLNR 2F FL.NG +21 207
#note Best again, but I need vowels!
>joeboy2: DEINOSU 15A DI.S +41 264
#note Looks fine again.
>skaplan31: ?ACELRV 5H .oVERCAL +74 281
#note Missed K2 sCRAVEL for 7 more. Out of all bingoes I did see- J9 CLAVERs, CARVELs, CLeAVER, CLAViER, CALiVER, and my play- I had to consider the score, and J9 plays would have been fine if I was ahead, but not here. I did not see 10F (C)ERViCAL, but I would have passed it up here just because it's 10 less.
>joeboy2: BENORUU O1 ROUB.E +33 297
#note Hard to pass this one up to do 1A UNROBE or BOURNE here.
>skaplan31: AEEGHOZ B3 GEEZ +70 351
#note Definitely no debating what's the move here.
>joeboy2: EILNOTU 13G ELUTION +72 369
>skaplan31: AAAHMOO A1 AMAH +51 402
#note Best by far again.
>joeboy2: AEIMTWW 12L WAW +30 399
>skaplan31: AAOOOOR 3H .OO +10 412
#note Now I'm in big trouble regardless of how well I might have played the last 2 moves (obvious moves tho). The vowel to consonant ratio is about even, and I clearly need consonants now. Pretty much no matter what, by leaving 2 in the bag here he won't always be able to play an out in 2 in the endgame.
>joeboy2: EEEIMTX 11D .E.EX +26 425
#note I like L2 EXTREME or M3 EXCITE- they both score better and allow him out plays better.
>skaplan31: AAIOORR 10H ARIA +15 427
#note While I did have the right idea by blocking 11J MITRE, I didn't see any wins. J10 ORATOR would have forced him to find M2 MINCER in order to successfully outrun H10 AXIL.
>joeboy2: EIMNRT M2 MIN.ER +22 447
#note What I didn't see is that it gave him 11J NITRE. Still no wins here.
>skaplan31: OOR C1 ROO +14 441
#note All righty, those last 2 racks were gross. Can't do anything about that, but TAKAHEs is a bingo I should have seen, as was sCARVEL when I did NOVERCAL. Joel gets place and I get show.
>skaplan31: (T) +2 443