Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 skaplan31 skaplan31
#player2 DaBag DaBag
#description Created with Macondo
>skaplan31: DEIIORS -I +0 0
#note Rd 5 Philly virtual 4-18-2021. OI at 8H or 8G are fine too, but I want Mitchell to give me floaters to bingo with. I felt he would respond too defensively after OI.
>DaBag: ADEGIIS 8G GADI +12 12
#note This looks fine as does 8G GI. GI does block the left side of the board reasonably well and it does prevent some overlaps, but I think this is a better play with an S.
>skaplan31: CDEIORS H3 IDOCR.SE +63 63
#note Yep
>DaBag: EGIRRST K5 GRISTER +89 101
#note This does also play at 11E for 5 more. Still sucks that this happened.
>skaplan31: AEEETTU 4C TEATE. +14 77
#note I don't love I1 TUTEE here. I honestly wasn't entirely sure what to do, so I just played into what I thought would best counter his playing style, which was go for turnover and keep things open.
>DaBag: HMNUVWX 5D HM +27 128
#note Even if I do TAUTED on my previous move, there was no stopping this play. I can understand him passing up 3B VUM in a close game like this. I might have expected G3 HEW to come down. Nothing is particularly good to keep, so he might as well hope that I don't take J10 or something after I just played off 5 tiles.
>skaplan31: BEEFORU J10 BOEUF +36 113
#note Now is a good time to take this spot. Easily best.
>DaBag: LNTUVWX -LNTUVW +0 128
#note G1 LUXE would have been worth it here in my opinion.
>skaplan31: BDEGHRW 3E REB.D +27 140
#note 3E BEWIG, which I did not see, seems to be the best immediate equity play, but I do like this play anyway to set up -GH plays ending at 2F that score a lot. #tacticsstrong
>DaBag: EINSTUX I13 XI +39 167
#note I did get very lucky he missed 15G UNISEX for 74 or 15H UNSEX for 71.
>skaplan31: EGHJLLW F2 J.. +26 166
#note Rough turn. Do I hope to draw vowels for -GH plays ending at 2F? I did see 10F JEE, and while that might open up another high scoring bingo lane, I would have kept clunk, and I'm in deep trouble if I don't draw a vowel. I do still have some plays on Column L too. So let's score the same as JEE and keep my vowel.
>DaBag: ENRSTUY 10J ..Y +8 175
#note 5G Y(O)UN(G)STER would have been one of those finds specifically reserved for people like Nigel. I would never have spotted that. This is a great play for his bingo prone leave, but he also could have blown up the rack with 15J SURETY or 15J SENRYU for 41 each.
>skaplan31: EGHLLOW L10 .ELLOW +35 201
#note While he keeps fishing, I'm just gonna keep scoring. Easily best.
>DaBag: EFNRSTU 14L .F +5 180
>skaplan31: AGHIOQR 7J Q. +22 223
#note Thought about doing 15L WAIR knowing I can most likely dump the Q next turn, but Mitchell was clearly keeping an S after BEY and he's got a T within his range after OF. I'm not gonna be able to block both things he's setting up in 1 play. Still not sure why I didn't do 3B QI.
>DaBag: AENRSTU 15C NATURES +84 264
#note Figured this would happen.
>skaplan31: AGHINOR L1 HONGI +29 252
#note 2I OH and 10F HOE both look like good fishes, but I'm not a fan of how well they block for Mitchell. I'm gonna need IDOCRASES, the floaters in NATURES open, etc. This does do a better job of going for the blanks. The sim does concur.
>DaBag: ELOPUWZ 1K W.ELP +39 303
#note I like the defensive nature of 14B WUZ here. I do understand this play as well because he is most likely going for a nice 2-move score.
>skaplan31: ACEIMRV 15L .ARM +32 284
#note I did not know C9 VERMIAN, but that would not be a good move to make at this score anyway. 14B VIM might keep the best, but this is 10 more and creates a better board for me. Because of the open E in IDOCRASE, it would have been perfectly OK to do WAVE in the same spot.
>DaBag: AINOUYZ 14B NAZI +41 344
#note His 2-move score plan worked out nicely, but ZAYIN in the same spot is 10 more.
>skaplan31: ?ACEITV N1 .oCATIVE +78 362
#note All righty then...11B ACTIVEs! This wasn't necessary.
>DaBag: IKOSTUY 8M K.Y +30 374
#note O8 TUSKY is 54.
>skaplan31: ?ADEOOV C2 VE.O +22 384
#note Holy crap 2J VO(O)D(o)O is a sweet play! Again a tricky play out of all plays I did see: 7M OVA, this, 2F JO, 13A DEV, and 3A OVA. I needed something that wouldn't telegraph the blank and not give him something to close the left side down as hitting the E in IDOCRASE would be basically impossible. AOO? wasn't exactly appealing either.
>DaBag: INNOSTU 11D UNITS +22 396
#note He's not wrong by scoring and blocking here.
>skaplan31: ?ADELOP 12A LEAP +22 406
#note No bingoes play. 15A DE(NATURES) is nice too. I think 12C APOD would have been just fine and done just as good a job of giving me out plays without giving him plays like 7A NOUNAL. But, this does get the job done as Mitchell isn't going out in 1 play.
>DaBag: AINNOOU 7M O.A +19 415
#note A8 ANNULI, A7 UNNAIL, or A7 NOUNAL are all several points better. He still has no wins.
>skaplan31: ?ADO A8 nODA. +15 421
#note 10C ODeA for 2 more. Slipped a little in the end there, but I did get the job done this time and I finally get rewarded for my efforts this tourney.
>skaplan31: (INNOU) +10 431