Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 MattL MattL
#player2 josh josh
#description Created with Macondo
>MattL: ?EIJNTW 8G JEW +26 26
>MattL: ?EIJNTW -- -26 0
#note HOPPY, round 3. I had tWINJET for 98! I should have also realized this was more than likely not staying on the board - it can't be valid as a noun since that's capitalized. Why even take the chance, JIN is good enough. The W isn't perfect but it's not going to kill me.
>josh: AIMORRU H8 AMOUR +16 16
>MattL: ?EIJNTW 8G J.W +13 13
#note Okay, now I actually notice tWINJET for some reason! But I'm not sure if it's actually a word, or if I'm just desperate to make up for losing my turn. I can't afford to lose two turns in a row, so I have to chicken out. J(O)W makes more sense because I'm basically forcing myself to draw a bingo ending in S unless I get a lucky 8.
>josh: BINRSUW 10C UNIBR.WS +71 87
#note I really just lost this game in 2 turns
>MattL: ?CEINTT 12C CITTE.Ns +68 81
>MattL: ADEIIOO (challenge) +5 86
#note There's not a single bingo through the I - duplicates I know, but I really thought there'd be something there. Still, I literally could not find any bingos this entire game, I don't know what happened. I think this might be best, though?
>josh: AACFLLS E8 CL.F. +20 107
>MattL: ADEIIOO 13I OIDIA +18 104
#note IODI(C) is 27 points - I didn't see it, OIDIA went down pretty fast because I was tanking my clock already.
>josh: AAHILST 12L HA +22 129
>MattL: ?EEIOQS J6 QIS +46 150
>josh: AILSTVY 8A VATI. +33 162
>MattL: ?EEGLNO 7B LEG +13 163
#note Even without the blank, finding ERELONG is never going to happen. LOzENGE involves making the blank a Z - so of course I miss that one. tELOGEN looks like a pretty common word, but I don't think I've ever played it or even seen it once. Sigh.
>josh: ELPRSTY B2 PTERY.. +40 202
>MattL: ?ADENNO C3 ON +10 173
#note The only 7s here require the blank to be a Y. Since I'm incapable of bingoing with a Y, I never actually imagine the blank as Y since it seems like a hopeless endeavour. The only 8 is O(R)DNANcE.
>josh: AAHLORS A4 HAO +27 229
>MattL: ?ADDENR N6 bRANDED +69 242
#note I wasn't really sure where it made the most sense to bingo, but I could have at least played DRAiNED for 2 more points. 14F ADoRNED is 79, but is also quite a bit more dangerous.
>josh: AEFLRSU 14C EARFULS +71 300
>MattL: DGOOPST O8 GOOD +35 277
>josh: EGLMNUX 15A MUNG +34 334
>MattL: AEOPSTT D2 POT +27 304
#note The board is actually horrible for scoring, so I think this has to be the only play that makes sense.
>josh: BELNRXZ 2D .REZ +17 351
>MattL: AEEIIST 3G AI +15 319
#note A8 (V)IE sims a little better, but I'm pretty sure I have to draw a bingo starting with E down at the bottom to actually win here. There can't be very many of those.
>josh: ABELNXY 4F EX +28 379
>MattL: EEIKSTV K5 KI +23 342
#note I guess O5 KI at least sets up SKI, I never saw that even once. Also KE(NO) hits more often I guess because of 3 Es still unseen.
>josh: ABEELNY O1 ENABLE +34 413
>MattL: EEIOSTV L4 VISE +32 374
#note 15G SIEVE
>josh: EY N1 YE +19 432
>josh: (EOT) +6 438