Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 skaplan31 skaplan31
#player2 parteegirl parteegirl
#description Created with Macondo
>skaplan31: AADGIQR 8E QADI +28 28
#note Rd 4 of Philly virtual 1-24-2021. I wish I was going 2nd to hope for a U for QUADRIGA!
>parteegirl: EEIJRUU E8 .UIRE +28 28
#note QUEUER in this spot is better- JU is a very bad combo to keep together.
>skaplan31: ?AAGINR 13E sANGRIA +73 101
#note Much safer than I8 sARANGI. The 1 pt sacrifice is worth it positionally.
>parteegirl: EJLNOPU H10 JUN.LE +45 73
#note Sorry Quackle, I wouldn't do 12A JOULE here. I'm fine with Connie's play here.
>skaplan31: CILNNTZ J12 T.Z +32 133
#note Maybe F12 NAZI is a little better.
>parteegirl: EIMOOPY 7F YOMP +28 101
#note I'd do D11 OY or K8 MYOPIA here. OY sets up high scoring plays that will yield high scoring reparallels which could be beneficial to her, and MYOPIA will get the right side going.
>skaplan31: CCILNNW 12A WINC. +28 161
#note Obviously
>parteegirl: AAEEGIO A12 .AGE +24 125
#note J9 AGA(TIZ)E is fun to think about too.
>skaplan31: AACLNOT C7 CANTO.AL +78 239
#note Only bingo. Definitely a good find and the only other 8 with this rack is OCTANTAL. For you chemistry aficionados out there, OCTANAL* is phony but ETHANAL and METHANAL are perfectly fine. Aldehydes aren't as loved as alcohols among other organic compounds in the Scrabble world.
>parteegirl: AEILOOV 8A OV. +18 143
#note 6I OVOLI does fork very nicely for her in this position.
>skaplan31: BEINTUY 14J .INEB +34 273
#note 6I UBIETY is a little better despite the 5 pt sacrifice, but Connie doesn't typically keep that well after this kind of move. She clearly had to open something up on her last move. I'm not playing scared here.
>parteegirl: AEEILOT 15L ALIT +24 167
#note 15K TELOI or TELIA are 30 each.
>skaplan31: FOSTUXY O12 XYS. +39 312
#note I understand that Q likes 6I OXY better because I keep the S, but there's no need to give back easy parallels. I take out big scoring bingoes here which can get Connie back in this game.
>parteegirl: EEEGOSV N10 VOE +23 190
#note B11 GIVE scores nicely for her and keeps Column N open which will probably stay open for a while.
>skaplan31: EFIORTU 6I OUTFIRE +68 380
#note However, this bingo still would have played.
>parteegirl: EEGINRS K4 IN.EGERS +86 276
#note Her best bingo.
>skaplan31: DDEEHRS O4 HE.DER +42 422
#note HEEDED is slightly better. Still 99.99% to win.
>parteegirl: ?DFHLOP F12 D.H +27 303
>skaplan31: DEKOSST M12 KO.. +30 452
#note Best play.
>parteegirl: ?EFLOPT 6E OPT +29 332
#note I'd do L1 PELF here.
>skaplan31: ADESSTU 8E ....S +20 472
>parteegirl: ?BEFLOW 5C BOW +26 358
>skaplan31: ADEISTU L4 DE. +22 494
#note Yuck...I thought she had additional bingoes thru the I besides RIFLEMAN and INFLAMER which don't play. Nothing else exists besides those. She did have FUMAROLE thru the O which I realized after I hit my clock.
>parteegirl: ?AEFLMR A3 LEAFw.RM +63 421
#note This actually scores 1 more point for her and is a very nice find. Luckily I was ahead by enough but that's too much spread I lost for blocking the wrong lane.
1-3 now. Can only hope for the best.
>parteegirl: (AISTU) +10 431