Game Details
Player 1
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#player1 Jack_Overby Jack Overby
#player2 Robert_W Robert W
>Jack_Overby: DGNNUXY 8H DUNGY +28 28
#note Collins Scrabble Go game against a rando. How low can I go?

Considered YUNX 8E/8G 28, but the DGN leave isn't as useful on a closed board (which was likely after opponent's next play), and I liked setting up my X for 36+ points. Quackle agrees, ranking this equal with GUNNY/GUNDY in the same spot.
>Robert_W: AGOT L4 GOAT. +18 18
>Jack_Overby: ENORRSX 7G REX +39 67
#note 2nd best, just behind NOX in the same spot, which sadly, I didn't even consider. Still getting used to searching for Collins words, I suppose.
>Robert_W: EH K5 HE +22 40
>Jack_Overby: DFGNORS M2 FROG +26 93
#note Clearly best. FOG at this spot is worth considering, but DNRS is a bit too vowel-heavy compared to DNRS, in addition to being 2 fewer points.
>Robert_W: CELORTU 6B COULTER +73 113
>Jack_Overby: DNOPSTW D5 P.TDOWNS +82 175
#note Initially tried DOWNSTOP/TOPDOWNS/etc., until this beauty came to me! It's the only bingo. Very happy to find it!
>Robert_W: DITY 8A TID.Y +30 143
>Jack_Overby: ALLMORW K8 .ALLOW +20 195
#note Best. I'd normally leave a slightly more bingoable leave with something like GLOW/GROWL in the same spot, but leaves like ALM/ALMR aren't nearly as valuable here, given the lack of vowels through which to play. If there were an open E and/or I, I'd likely have played shorter.
>Robert_W: FOP L12 FOP +31 174
>Jack_Overby: EMNNQRU G3 QUE.. +24 219
#note Pretty lousy- roughly a 5% error. Best plays are B6 CRIMEN 12 (what is this, Escrable en Espanol?), various options through WO (WORN/WOMEN/WORM) or the surprising exch. MNN! I guess EQRU is pretty powerful. This play is especially bad with 8 I's unseen, making H1 plays quite likely.
>Robert_W: ?AIN H1 ANIs +21 195
#note Oops. Quite the blunder. Non-tournament players don't seem to grasp the value of the blanks. No points means there's no point to it, right? Errr...
>Jack_Overby: HMMNNRS N5 HMM +27 246
#note Easily best. Thank goodness I tried HOGH! I put an H there almost as a joke... alas, joke words often turn out to be valid Collins words!
>Robert_W: BEIOR 11B BO.IER +16 211
>Jack_Overby: AAINNRS M13 NA +20 266
#note Mindlessly fishy. Championship Player ranks this #1, but a sim puts it way behind of plays like 15G NAIRAS 31, O6 AIRN 20, E3 NAIL 16. I need to get better at adjusting my leave evaluations based on the state of the board. At the very least, I should probably have played 10E WAN 14, on the off-chance of a ZE-bomb...
>Robert_W: EEZ 10F ZEE +65 276
#note Doh- maybe not so off!
>Jack_Overby: AEIINRS E4 AI. +14 280
#note Questionable. Once again, I pick the top static evaluating play, but there are other slightly less fishy plays that do better (12F ANI 19, E3 NAIL 16, 12C ISNA 20). All these plays are pretty close, though.
>Robert_W: CIKLS O1 LICKS +60 336
#note Jeez, I'm taking a few licks from Bob, huh?
>Jack_Overby: AEINNRS O7 INSNARE +78 358
#note Disappointed that I didn't spot the quintuple-underlapping 12B INSNARES 82. I usually check for stuff like that! Regardless, all three bingos are roughly equivalent.
>Robert_W: BDE 15M BED +23 359
>Jack_Overby: AAEIRSV 12G AVA +13 371
#note Smart of Robert to block the FOP/S hook, which I was about to pounce on. Regardless, this is clearly the key play of the game, which I appear to have botched. My two paths to victory are:
1) Neither one of us bingos, and I outrun him
2) I draw a bingo
Hence, I picked a play that would give me a reasonable chance at bingoing through the A (AEIRS is pretty potent) or drawing a bingo through a play at H12. I also kept 14K SPAE 27 in my back pocket. Sadly, AVA is far in arrears to plays like I1 AAS 21, 3B VAIR 18, 12F AA 17, B2 VRAIC 20, etc. The star play appears to be fishing off an A at ZE/A for 12. That makes sense- it gives nothing back, while enabling a bingo through the A with 5/12 unseen tiles (T=VARIATES, I=AVIARIES, ?=both). The biggest problems with my play are that the pool is very vowel-heavy, so I'm unlikely to bingo, and Robert has a very good chance of H12 VIVA/VIVE for 30, which usually wins, unless I draw a bingo. Sim gives AVA about a 53% of winning, compared to 68% for ZEA. Massive blunder!
>Robert_W: AIV H12 .IVA +30 389
#note Predictable. Let's see if I can bingo...
>Jack_Overby: ?EEIIRS 14B dERISI.E +74 445
#note Yep! Only bingo. I guess my plan worked. Then again, blanks make a lot of plans works.

Surprisingly, I had another win: B10 IBERIs/IBERIS, saving E? or ES for the aforementioned K14 SPAE. I might have tried IBERIc, but IBERIS would never have occurred to me. Whew!
>Jack_Overby: (EJOTTU) +26 471
Player 2
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