Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
#player2 Naween_Fernando Naween Fernando
>Peter_Kougi: BHLORST 8G BOTH +18 18
#note How did I miss the 5s?

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
best 8D BROTH 26 59.76% LS

1.90 8H BROTH 28 58.97% LS

2.91 8H THROB 26 58.58% LS

6.22 8H BROTHS 30 57.19% L

6.58 8C THROBS 30 57.01% L

7.03 8F BROTH 20 56.86% LS

7.91 8D BORSHT 28 56.49% L

8.10 8G THROB 20 56.38% LS

8.14 8E BROTH 20 56.33% LS

9.06 8E THROB 20 56.04% LS

13.8*8G BOTH 18 53.98% LRS

>Naween_Fernando: GMO 7F MOG +15 15
>Peter_Kougi: EJLLRSX 6G JELL +29 47
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *6G JELL 29 60.43% RSX

0.782 6G JELLS 30 60.23% RX

5.16 9F LEX 28 58.20% JLRS

>Naween_Fernando: DEEHNRS E1 HERDENS +79 94
>Peter_Kougi: AENRSVX F1 AX +55 102
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *F1 AX 55 51.09% ENRSV

11.7 1D S(H)AVER 39 45.16% NX

11.8 1E (H)AVEN 33 45.13% RSX

>Naween_Fernando: FLY K4 FLY +33 127
>Peter_Kougi: AEENRSV 1E ..VE +30 132
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 5)
best 1E (HA)VEN 33 56.44% AERS

0.320 D2 VEENA 41 56.12% RS

0.641 D1 AVE 29 55.97% ENRS

3.11 D2 VAE 33 54.74% ENRS

3.86*1E (HA)VE 30 54.47% AENRS

>Naween_Fernando: KNRTU 2H TRUNK +13 140
>Peter_Kougi: AEEINRS I8 .RAINEES +60 192
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *I8 (T)RAINEES 60 67.92%

9.71 L2 (K)EA 24 63.36% EINRS

10.0 L2 (K)AE 24 63.13% EINRS

>Naween_Fernando: CIOPRTU 14B OUTPRIC. +78 218
>Peter_Kougi: AIOSTUV 15A VITA +31 223
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *15A VITA 31 39.82% OSU

2.63 4A AVOI(D) 20 39.12% STU

5.06 6A AVIO(N) 16 37.58% STU

>Naween_Fernando: AEN H12 AN.E +32 250
>Peter_Kougi: BGLOSSU 9B GLOBUS +25 248
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
best 9A BUGLOSS 77 70.19%

6.85 10D SUBGO(A)LS 69 66.40%

43.6*9B GLOBUS 25 40.33% S

>Naween_Fernando: ??AEIRY K8 YAwnIER +79 329
>Peter_Kougi: DIPSTWW 5B WIP.D +11 259
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 9)
best 10D WIT 21 5.214% DPSW

1.44 10D DIP 29 4.527% STWW

3.30 D8 D(O)WP 12 4.464% ISTW

6.62 D8 W(O)W 13 4.424% DIPST

11.5 xch DWW 0 4.236% IPST

8.26 D8 W(O)P 12 3.977% DISTW

4.83 D8 D(O)WT 10 3.805% IPSW

4.27 4H SWI(F)T 24 3.530% DPW

2.89*5B WIP(E)D 11 3.453% STW

>Naween_Fernando: GIO 1J GIO +17 346
>Peter_Kougi: DEFISTW M2 SWIFTED +90 349
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *M2 SWIFTED 90 35.93%

>Naween_Fernando: AER D2 REA. +30 376
>Peter_Kougi: AEMOOTZ D8 Z.OEA +48 397
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *D8 Z(O)OEA 48 57.58% MOT

52.1 13B MOE 24 55.30% AOTZ

58.5 8A ZA 36 49.62% EMOOT

>Naween_Fernando: EIN E9 .INE +20 396
>Peter_Kougi: ADMOQTU B3 MO. +8 405
#note Incredibly, there's a win. Didn't know the word though

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: urp)
best 4C M(AD)OQUA 27 100.0% DT

12.0 11B QU(EN)A 14 0.0000% DMOT

20.0 12A AQU(AE) 15 0.0000% DMOT

23.0 2B MU(REX) 28 0.0000% ADOQT

23.0 B2 AMO(W)T 24 0.0000% DQU

31.0 11C T(EN)D 5 0.0000% AMOQU

32.0 11C D(EN)T 5 0.0000% AMOQU

39.0 L9 MOAT 22 0.0000% DQU

39.0 N7 DOUMA 20 0.0000% QT

6.00*B3 MO(W) 8 0.0000% ADQTU

>Naween_Fernando: ACINO 11G AN.O.IC +15 411
>Naween_Fernando: (ADQTU) +30 441
Player 2
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