Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Geoff_Wright Geoff Wright
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>Geoff_Wright: LUZ 8G LUZ +24 24
>Peter_Kougi: ADDEFGT 9F FATED +28 28
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best 9G AGED 26 42.75% DFT

0.283*9F FATED 28 42.68% DG

2.70 9H GAT 20 41.72% DDEF

>Geoff_Wright: NOW 10I NOW +25 49
>Peter_Kougi: BDGHLNT L9 NTH +13 41
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
best L10 NTH 19 37.20% BDGL

4.96 G7 B(LA)D 10 35.28% GHLNT

6.67 xch BDGHT 0 34.88% LN

6.74 xch BGHLT 0 34.79% DN

6.84 xch BDGHL 0 34.76% NT

6.85 xch BGHNT 0 34.61% DL

7.20 xch BDGHLT 0 34.58% N

7.63 xch BDGHN 0 34.35% LT

8.52 xch BDHT 0 34.34% GLN

8.45 xch BGHLN 0 34.11% DT

14.0*L9 NTH 13 31.39% BDGL

>Geoff_Wright: FO 11J FO. +35 84
>Peter_Kougi: BDGLMSS -BGLM +0 41
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
best G7 B(LA)GS 11 31.59% DLMS

0.343 G7 B(LA)MS 12 31.51% DGLS

3.41 xch BDGMS 0 30.70% LS

2.91 G7 B(LA)G 10 30.62% DLMSS

2.65 G7 G(LA)DS 9 30.58% BLMS

5.49 xch BDGLM 0 29.80% SS

5.33 G7 G(LA)MS 10 29.13% BDLS

5.36 G7 B(LA)DS 11 29.04% GLMS

6.59 G7 G(LA)M 9 28.99% BDLSS

6.85 xch BDGM 0 28.96% LSS

10.0*xch BGLM 0 27.94% DSS

>Geoff_Wright: CD G7 C..D +10 94
>Peter_Kougi: DEEKMSS 11E DESK +26 67
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best 11E SKED 26 36.37% EMS

1.65*11E DESK 26 35.41% EMS

1.61 11C SMEKE 30 35.20% DS

>Geoff_Wright: ?LTU H11 .LUTz +27 121
>Peter_Kougi: AEEEHMS 10D HEE. +21 88
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best 12A HEAME 31 35.03% ES

3.54*10D HEE(D) 21 33.45% AEMS

5.48 10D HAE(D) 21 32.56% EEMS

>Geoff_Wright: JU 14F JU. +26 147
>Peter_Kougi: AEEIMSY 15D YEA +19 107
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best I12 AME 28 29.26% EISY

0.737*15D YEA 19 29.15% EIMS

1.86 M7 YAE 14 28.93% EIMS

>Geoff_Wright: ?NOPRSV 13H .NPROVeS +76 223
>Geoff_Wright: ?NOPRSV -- -76 147
>Peter_Kougi: EIMNSTU C7 MISTUNE +85 192
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *C7 MISTUNE 85 66.51%

8.50 M4 MUNITES 72 61.94%

8.75 C8 MUTINES 79 61.53%

>Geoff_Wright: ?NOPRSV 8A VO.P +36 183
>Peter_Kougi: ADEIILW 12A WI.D +24 216
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
best I6 WI(ZEN) 18 63.12% ADEIL

7.62 12A WI(N)E 22 58.58% ADIL

8.39*12A WI(N)D 24 58.00% AEIL

>Geoff_Wright: MOR A12 .ORM +27 210
>Peter_Kougi: AEIIILO -AIIILO +0 216
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 6)
best xch AEIIIO 0 45.16% L

0.378 xch AIIIO 0 44.87% EL

0.920 xch IIIO 0 44.48% AEL

1.66 xch EIIIO 0 44.08% AL

2.73 xch AEIIILO 0 43.53%

3.27*xch AIIILO 0 43.07% E

>Geoff_Wright: ?AENRRS E2 dARNERS +72 282
>Peter_Kougi: BCEEEOQ -BCEEOQ +0 216
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 5)
3.69 xch BEEOQ 0 7.710% CE

7.40 xch BEOQ 0 6.870% CEE

best D3 BEE 20 6.676% CEOQ

8.73 xch CEEOQ 0 6.459% BE

9.13*xch BCEEOQ 0 6.332% E

>Geoff_Wright: GIOV 4A VIGO. +26 308
>Peter_Kougi: AAEENXY F5 EX +52 268
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best F5 AXE 58 16.16% AENY

9.35*F5 EX 52 11.75% AAENY

10.7 F5 AX 52 10.73% AEENY

>Geoff_Wright: IQ D1 QI +22 330
>Peter_Kougi: AAAENRY B2 RA.NY +32 300
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 4)
1.38 3B AA 12 13.38% AENRY

best I12 AREA 22 12.19% ANY

2.03 D6 YA(P) 26 11.43% AAENR

2.39*B2 RA(I)NY 32 10.68% AAE

>Geoff_Wright: ACEGN 13H .NCAGE +20 350
>Peter_Kougi: AABBEEI 1A AB +23 323
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 5)
3.10 G3 BAE 11 20.61% ABEI

17.4 C2 AI(G)A 19 17.42% BBEE

15.7 B14 EA 12 15.53% ABBEI

20.6 G2 ABBE 14 15.00% AEI

best *1A AB 23 14.77% ABEEI

>Geoff_Wright: AIIL M6 ILIA +9 359
>Peter_Kougi: ABEEIST 7K AB.E +6 329
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
23.2*7K AB(L)E 6 58.33% EIST

0.447 I12 A(N)E 16 53.03% BEIST

10.4 2A B(R)A(Id)E 13 52.42% EIST

>Geoff_Wright: AEIILPT O5 PITA +25 384
>Peter_Kougi: EIORRST J1 RORIEST +69 398
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *J1 RORIEST 69 100.0%

53.0 D6 RI(P) 20 0.0000% EORST

57.0 N10 REIST 24 0.0000% OR

>Peter_Kougi: (EGILOO) +14 412
Player 2
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Copyright © 2005-2025 Seth Lipkin and Keith Smith
Some data copyright © 1999-2009 National Scrabble Association and © 2009-2025 NASPA
SCRABBLE® is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc. in the USA and Canada.
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