Player 1 |
#player1 Dan_Pratt Dan Pratt
#player2 George_Viebranz George Viebranz
>Dan_Pratt: ABOTU 8H ABOUT +16 16
>George_Viebranz: AEHILNR 9H HERNIAL +78 78
#note: Here I am thinking my five-tile overlap is the shit. INHA(U)LER is 94 points.
>Dan_Pratt: CDEHIOR 7B CHOIRED +75 91
>George_Viebranz: DEFOOPR D4 PRO.FED +34 112
>Dan_Pratt: EOSUY C9 YOUSE +36 127
>George_Viebranz: AEGIORU B9 AG +22 134
#note: Another awful play. AERUGO D9.
>Dan_Pratt: CNO 5B CO.N +12 139
>George_Viebranz: EIIOQRU N9 .IQUOR +34 168
>Dan_Pratt: EENSV A1 EVENS +34 173
>George_Viebranz: ?DEIRTT 4D .ITTEReD +63 231
#note: This is the best bingo I found, out of the approx. 42,000 valid words that play. Just awful.
>George_Viebranz: ?DEIRTT -- -63 168
>Dan_Pratt: EIMN O12 MIEN +38 211
>George_Viebranz: ?DEIRTT 6G DoTTIER +69 237
#note: What is it called in bowling when you get a gutter and then pick up the 10-pin spare?
>Dan_Pratt: AAENP 5J APNEA +28 239
>George_Viebranz: ?AKNOTW M13 KAT +31 268
>Dan_Pratt: DELMS O1 MELDS +38 277
>George_Viebranz: ?ABNOWY M2 BOW..Y +36 304
>Dan_Pratt: ETZ 12A ZE.T +46 323
>George_Viebranz: ?AJNTVW L1 JAW +30 334
>Dan_Pratt: GIS A12 .IGS +42 365
>George_Viebranz: NTV J4 V.. +6 340
>Dan_Pratt: FL 2K F..L. +20 385
>George_Viebranz: ?AILNOT N2 .O +9 349
#note: I figure if I bingo here, I'll lose. All the bingos I can find give him an X-bomb in reply. (V)OLITANT is safe enough but I didn't see it. To be honest, I just saw (S)OLATINg and (E)LATIONs. So I figure if I play off a vowel and he plays his X, I have a decent chance at one of the two bingo lanes. I am wondering if the O is the right tile to get rid of. In the unlikely event that the X is in the bag, I have (E)XALTINg if he doesn't block.
>Dan_Pratt: AGIIRUX 2A .ARIX +30 415
#note: Shit yeah.
>George_Viebranz: ?AEILNT 1C ELATIoN +85 434
#note: (E)LATERIN would have just been too beautiful. I laid this down pretty quickly.
>George_Viebranz: (GIU) +8 442