Player 1 |
#player1 Yak Yak
#player2 Cesar Cesar
>Yak: DEILOOY -ID +0 0
>Cesar: FGGIMNX 8G FIX +26 26
#note eek.. migg is the play. i kinda laid this down without thinking too much, and also decided i didn't like MINX which is a little better. (-5)
>Cesar: FGGMNOO L3 GOOF.NG +26 52
>Yak: DEPRU 3I PUR.ED +26 97
>Cesar: EJKLMNR K5 JE. +43 95
#note not even close. i thought the 12 extra points could merit keeping the horrible leave, but i think sometimes you can't leave it up to luck like this. JUNK is fine.. (-3.5)
>Yak: ACHIO 2E CHIAO +22 119
>Cesar: DKLMNRS G1 M.LK +11 106
#note yeah that was the problem with jet. also maybe LINK is better.
>Yak: ANOS 1G .ASON +32 151
>Cesar: ?ADENRS J7 .tANDERS +75 181
>Yak: AIQ 11H QA.I +28 179
>Cesar: AADHLOT 4D DHA. +24 205
#note that's frustrating.. but i guess this is why i dont win more things. i spent a long time on this move too. 2M HAD might be better too. (-50)
>Yak: BIL 12G BIL. +21 200
>Cesar: ALORTVW 5E OW +25 230
>Yak: EIPRSTT 14C SPITTER. +62 262
>Cesar: AELNRTV C7 VENTRAL. +82 312
#note what's right here guys? i gotta take the extra pts, right? but i thought something bad would happen....
>Yak: ?YZ 8A oY.Z +75 337
#note doh
>Cesar: EEGIUUY D12 YI.E +32 344
>Yak: ALW 6D AWL +25 362
>Cesar: AEEGOUU 13I A.GUE +19 363
>Yak: OU B8 .OU +14 376
>Cesar: BEIMNOU A10 MOUE +12 375
#note i was so paranoid about that dumb spot.. i just thought of way too many plays that would sink me at A10.... but MOUE's win percentage is horrible. i probably should have thought of that, but i spent like 6 minutes here. MOUE's not gonna win, i gotta score. if he has something like carted he has a big spot with ARGUE anyway. the point here is to try to score. what i really wanted to play, 15G OM, sims best. i just thought that there'd be a million ways for him to score 35 next turn and then i'm screwed. the right play is OM right? help? do i suck
>Yak: ACDNRTV M2 V.NT +19 395
>Cesar: BEEIINO N6 O.IBI +11 386
#note NOB blocks the out. (-5)
>Yak: ACDR 2M .AC +22 417
#note oops.. he had arced/acred
>Cesar: EEN 9F NEE +13 399
>Cesar: (DR) +6 405