Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Joey Joey
#player2 Noah Noah
>Joey: DHU H7 DUH +14 14
#note Joey is in town, so we played a series (first to 5). No timer (neither of us had one, maybe could have used a smart device). A rough agreement to not take too long. Maybe BURQA here, sim is showing a ~15 pt improvement on my next turn. (9/4/20)
>Noah: ?ABHQRT I6 QAT +19 19
>Joey: AEEISUX 6I .UAI +15 29
#note Joey's rack iirc.
>Noah: ?BHLNRR K5 H.RL +14 33
>Joey: EOSX 8K .OXES +39 68
>Noah: ?BDGNRT N7 B.RG +11 44
#note Maybe BRED for the points and GN synergy, didn't see it. This seems to have better board shape though. Could also play DEBT or BRENT.
>Joey: EMOP G6 POME +26 94
>Noah: ?AADNRT 7M A. +15 59
>Joey: FL M5 FL.. +28 122
>Noah: ?ADNRTY F9 YARD +19 78
#note Oof, big miss.
>Joey: EINOTT 11E T.ITONE +28 150
>Noah: ?ENTVWZ 12I WENT +23 101
>Joey: EGIMRSW 13D MISGREW +88 238
>Noah: ?BGIVVZ -BGIVV +0 101
#note I didn't see NEWB, could play BIZ there.
>Joey: ADLNSU 14J SULDAN +27 265
>Noah: ?EENNOZ O12 ZO.E +69 170
>Joey: CORS O4 CROS. +15 280
>Noah: ?EGINNY 12C NE +12 182
#note Fishing for row 15 plays.
>Joey: IKL C9 KIL. +13 293
>Noah: ?EGINPY 15D PIGsNEY +106 288
>Joey: ?AEIIRU D5 URAEI +12 305
#note Actual rack.
>Noah: ABCFINO 3K FINCA +28 316
#note Could do FORB instead, or COBIA. Edit 09/06/20: Rafi suggests COBIA, because the pool is vowel heavy.
>Joey: ?AEIITV 2E VItIATE +68 373
>Noah: BDEJOOV H1 J.VED +51 367
#note I thought he had EIOT. Champ likes JIVE by one.
>Joey: AEOT B10 TAO +14 387
>Noah: BOO A12 BOO +17 384
>Noah: (E) +2 386
Player 2
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