Player 1 |
#player1 Jason_Li Jason Li
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Jason_Li: EGP 8G PEG +12 12
>Joshua_Sokol: CENNNRU 9C CUNNER +19 19
#note maybe defense with 7F NUN, which I remember considering. I didn't really like the prospect, but it sims best
>Jason_Li: EMRX D8 M.REX +34 46
>Joshua_Sokol: DEIMNPR E11 MID +29 48
#note now not enough offense, as MIND E11 wins the sim despite setting up an S-hook I don't have. EPR is just better than ENPR, especially on this board.
>Jason_Li: ?AIILNT H1 ANTILIf.. +77 123
#note 4 9s here, find them all!
>Joshua_Sokol: DEHNOPR 1D ORPH.NED +65 113
>Jason_Li: DIJO J1 .JIDO +29 152
>Joshua_Sokol: AABNOSY K4 AY +23 136
#note Jason wondered if he had blocked anything with EJIDO. Nope, he juset gave me a 102-point 2x2. I wholly do not remember SABAYON. Disgusting.
>Jason_Li: AEEGR 2B AGREE +26 178
>Joshua_Sokol: ABHINOS 3B HOB +32 168
#note another bingo missed. I have been caught in a landslie of missing bingos.
>Jason_Li: AOTY 4A OATY +44 222
>Joshua_Sokol: AEINSSU 6J SEA +27 195
#note The U is bad, therefore F11 USE
>Jason_Li: IQ 14D QI +18 240
>Joshua_Sokol: EIINSTU M3 UNITIES +72 267
>Jason_Li: ?AILNRV A4 .VeRLAIN +80 320
#note I recorded this play in very large handwriting. I can only assume I was pissed about losing to Jason 3 times.
>Joshua_Sokol: ACFGTTU B10 FUG +30 297
>Jason_Li: EOW L8 WOE +21 341
>Joshua_Sokol: AACRTTU K8 ACTA +25 322
#note this isn't going well. I should be proactive with this board I think, just 8L (WE)TA should be better. This doesn't take an S
>Jason_Li: KOOST 15E STOOK +35 376
>Joshua_Sokol: IRTUVWZ 3L W.Z +15 337
#note at this point my only shot (I think) was to play off my W and draw the S for TZURIS N9. But then he flashed his S by mistake, so I knew I was doomed. I however had a spread-saving play in 13A WUZ that I totally overlooked.
>Jason_Li: D 8K ...D +8 384
>Joshua_Sokol: EILRTUV J11 LUV +8 345
#note BEEFALOS in the unseen pool! I ran out of time here and made a stupid play, but I thought ACTAS* was good
>Jason_Li: ABEELOS N2 A.O +26 410
>Joshua_Sokol: EFIRT B6 FE +27 372
#note gotta block but was out of time
>Jason_Li: BEELS 13H BE.ELS +24 434
>Jason_Li: (IRT) +6 440