Player 1 |
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#player1 Matthew_Larocque Matthew Larocque
#player2 Juraj_Pivovarov Juraj Pivovarov
>Matthew_Larocque: EEJLPPU H4 JULEP +44 44
>Juraj_Pivovarov: NOY G7 YON +24 24
>Matthew_Larocque: AEMPW F6 WAME +32 76
#note I probably had another E here. I think I had a bunch of similar plays, and I liked that this didn't set up any big parallels or hotspots.
>Juraj_Pivovarov: FORTY E9 FORTY +28 52
>Matthew_Larocque: EIINOOP D10 POI +20 96
>Juraj_Pivovarov: OX 6H .OX +26 78
>Matthew_Larocque: AEEINOT 4H .OE +10 106
#note Going to be one of those games...this sims very slightly best.
>Juraj_Pivovarov: ADEILS K2 AISLED +36 114
#note Not sure how to explain this other than I wasn't paying attention and thought he played LUXE? I correctly purged this from my memory, so I can only speculate. There's no good excuse here, so let's just call it an epic fail and leave it at that. At least he blew up his rack for 36 points? Oh wait, that means I'm going to draw nothing racks for the rest of the game.
>Matthew_Larocque: AEINTUV 2J V.UNT +32 138
#note Seeing the spot for VAUNTIE should be my strength, and gifts like these are how you overcome mediocre draws. I also probably shouldn't be so scared of tacking the A on. RA* SA* GA* so bingos don't fit a lot of the time. He might make a weak play there resulting in another lane for me to use.
>Juraj_Pivovarov: AKU 1M AUK +25 139
>Matthew_Larocque: AEGIIRT 7J I. +12 150
#note The board is not so great and the score is close, what to do? Fish until he opens something, or be more aggressive and try to get the blanks/something that scores anything? AIGRET is just a useless set of letters right now. C12 GI seemes like a better fish, because I might actually draw a vowel bingo that plays. To this day, I didn't know ARTIGI was a word. Good to know I've made progress.
>Juraj_Pivovarov: AAGLV C9 VAGAL +38 177
#note Crushed.
>Matthew_Larocque: AEGIIRT B12 GAIT +17 167
#note The game's not over, but it kinda feels like it's about to be over, you know what I mean?
>Juraj_Pivovarov: AEG A13 GAE +24 201
>Matthew_Larocque: CEILNRR 5G R.N +6 173
#note EICLR is doing jack, might as well just exch. 7 or keep ER.
>Juraj_Pivovarov: ?CDEEIN I8 ENtICED +69 270
>Matthew_Larocque: BCEILOR 11H C.BOL +18 191
#note Double C words - you don't think you need to know them, until you need to try and play through a C with BRICOLE/CORBEIL, which in turn reminds you that you need to learn CB bingos. The quest to word mastery is a daunting, endless path. Also I'm lazy.
>Juraj_Pivovarov: DIINORS 13H R.SINOID +68 338
>Matthew_Larocque: EHINRTU O9 THUN.ER +36 227
#note I'm not going out with a whimper, gonna make some noise! ....
Actually I thought there was a 1% chance that BETHUNDER* was a word.
>Juraj_Pivovarov: AQ 9M QA. +22 360
>Matthew_Larocque: ABEITTW O7 BE....... +45 272
>Matthew_Larocque: ABEITTW -- -45 227
>Juraj_Pivovarov: EE H13 .EE +12 372
#note He really took the thunder out of....
Okay, time for the next game.
>Matthew_Larocque: ABEITTW 10K BAIT. +33 260
>Juraj_Pivovarov: EM 6D ME. +8 380
>Matthew_Larocque: EHIRRTW 14H ..H +28 288
#note I could just go out in two like a normal person, but nah....
>Juraj_Pivovarov: ?DSZ C3 ZeDS +35 415
>Matthew_Larocque: EIRRTW 3M TEW +21 309
>Juraj_Pivovarov: FOS 4A FO.S +20 435
>Juraj_Pivovarov: (IRR) +6 441
#note -10
You know you played bad when you can't even use "I only drew one power tile" as an excuse.