Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Michael_Early Michael Early
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Michael_Early: KOUZ 8G ZOUK +34 34
>Joshua_Sokol: CGILOOX 9J IGLOO +13 13
#note Wow. I had severe tunnel vision on this first move. I only saw X(U) which was very defensive and draw into some stuff like OTOLOGIC and ZOOLOGIC or something else if more stuff is opened. The other thing I considered was IGLOO 9J to try and set my X up. I totally failed to consider another X setup play, COL(U)GO I5. It's a less worrisome version of IGLOO, giving around 2 points fewer back on average, fewer bingos, and giving me a little bit more. IGLOO is more defensive down the line, which is good if things fall into place, but not good when they don't. I also totally missed OXIC 7J, which is standard. I would consider this a mistake over COL(U)GO for sure, even though IGLOO appears to benefit me over time. FWIW X(U) sims similarly well to the X-setup options, and it also seems to complicate the game the most. With so few moves available in the position, I find it most outrageous that I failed to see other candidates, and am more concerned about that than anything else. #findingsmall #tacticssmall
>Michael_Early: ADEFSTU L7 SU.FATED +76 110
>Joshua_Sokol: ACNNNSX 13I ANN.X +26 39
>Michael_Early: EORY N11 OYER +27 137
>Joshua_Sokol: CDENSTW O13 DEW +38 77
#note vowels one time
>Michael_Early: NOT 8L .NTO +16 153
>Joshua_Sokol: CEEINST 10D ENTICES +72 149
#note I honestly thought he had taken away a ticket back into the game, but unfortunately I did not see my bing to the O, once again. Damn. If I had only thought about this rack as more than a "play ENTICES/IGLOOS if he doesn't block and play it with KIS if he does block" #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
>Michael_Early: EILORSV D7 VOL.RIES +74 227
#note just like that I give him a bing, this was a humongous swing
>Joshua_Sokol: FIJNOTU K4 FUJI +30 179
#note minimal commentary from hereon, I've already blown the game. JUNTO might be better but I wanted to force the board open a bit since he can play super defensive if I don't. #questionable
>Michael_Early: AAH L3 AAH +27 254
#note FUJI probably didn't help.
>Joshua_Sokol: INOQRTT 14B QI. +24 203
#note I12 Q(A)T likely necessary here. #questionable
>Michael_Early: ACGLMNU M2 MAG +23 277
>Joshua_Sokol: ANOORTT 8A ROT. +12 215
#note maybe TROO(Z) now and open the left later? #questionable
>Michael_Early: IIL A6 LI.I +4 281
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AEENOT M12 O.EN +22 237
>Michael_Early: ADI 15A AID +26 307
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AEEMTW 13C M.W +28 265
>Michael_Early: ADEN B6 AN.DE +19 326
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AEEGTT 11C G.EET +20 285
#note funny I didn't even consider G(R)EAT, this happens to be better since it hits more stuff to the O's on the board that I already should have bingo-ed to.
>Michael_Early: ASY N1 AYS +29 355
>Joshua_Sokol: ??ABCRT H1 CABResT. +83 368
#note was not sure if I should even play a bingo here, but I felt it was my best chance, hoping AYS left absolute junk and I could eke it in the endgame. BRACT might work more often at C2, since it will be extremely difficult or possibly impossible to block everything for Mike depending on how lucky I get.
>Michael_Early: IPPRRUV 5C UPRIV.R +22 377
#note played very quickly, only win. Damn.
>Joshua_Sokol: BEEHL 1D BLEE.H +16 384
>Joshua_Sokol: BEEHL -- -16 368
#note saw I could not win, so I had to try this, since my spread was good enough already. HEBE 14G and 14F lose by 1 and BLEE(P) D1 loses by 2.
>Michael_Early: P C5 .P +9 386
>Michael_Early: (BEEHL) +20 406
#note A clear karmic adventure. I miss the bingo to the O early on, and then the board gets locked down, but I still hit the O later as a hail mary, and still just barely lose.
Player 2
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