Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 eskayraman Anand Bharadwaj
#player2 hapless Esther Perrins
>eskayraman: AEOPRTT 8G TOP +10 10
>hapless: AEEHIIJ F7 HAJI +22 22
>eskayraman: AELRSTW 11C WARSTLE +85 95
>hapless: EEEIITT C9 TE.IT +18 40
>eskayraman: ?BNORRW B4 BROWNeR +70 165
>hapless: DEEIOOY A8 OYE +32 72
>eskayraman: AAABCPY A1 YABA +35 200
>hapless: DEEIOOX H11 .OXED +42 114
>eskayraman: ACCOPUZ E4 COCA +21 221
>hapless: AEEIIOR 4D I.IER +16 130
>eskayraman: EINOPUZ 3G ZEP +50 271
>hapless: AEEFNOO 5H FONE +20 150
>eskayraman: IMNNOUU I10 M.NU +19 290
>hapless: AEFGGLO 4K FLOG +21 171
>eskayraman: AIIMNOU 6J ONIUM +25 315
>hapless: AAEEGNU 3L AGUE +21 192
>eskayraman: ADEIILR 2L DALE +28 343
>hapless: AADEGNV 12A AV.D +24 216
>eskayraman: EIIKLRS 15H .ISLIKER +92 435
>hapless: AEGNNTV O1 V.. +18 234
>eskayraman: EHIIQRS J9 QI +19 454
>hapless: ?AEGNNT N8 ANTiGEN. +70 304
>eskayraman: DEHIRSS O8 HEID +45 499
>hapless: TU M12 UT +11 315
>hapless: (RSS) +6 321
Player 2
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Current time: 2024-09-11 03:50:27 Server IP: