Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 john_w john w
#player2 cesar cesar
>john_w: JOW H7 JOW +26 26
#note it's always the people you least expect that are verties. there was nothing in John's demeanor that suggested he could possibly have the wherewithal to open vertically, but then there it was, just like that.
>cesar: GIOOTTV G8 GOT +14 14
#note could someone explain how GOT gives up 2 more pts on average than TOG? easier to overlap? is it just the H hook? this is so weird. TOG also results in a higher average score for me next turn so overall this sims a shocking 1.5 pts worse than TOG! #strategysmall
>john_w: ACFIL F7 CALIF +26 52
>cesar: GIOTUVY E10 GOUTY +32 46
>john_w: EEEEEE -EEEEEE +0 52
>cesar: EEILRVX 13B VER.EX +48 94
>john_w: AEP 12G APE +17 69
>cesar: DEILLNT J7 TILLED +16 110
#note disappointing move. i wrote down LINTELED on my scoresheet and decided to not pull the trigger on it, even though i certainly liked it. no reason to chicken out on this. also DENTIL is 4 more. -41.5 #knowledgelarge
>john_w: EEKN K5 KEEN +20 89
>cesar: AEEMNOT L4 TAMEN +33 143
#note this is not a word.... and OATEN in the same spot is better. -1 #knowledgesmall
>john_w: DIST M3 DITS +24 113
>cesar: AEEHOUV 2J HEVEA +44 187
>john_w: AHO 1H HAO +23 136
>cesar: ?IORRTU 2B bURRITO +71 258
>john_w: GINY 10J .YING +13 149
>cesar: ABCEIOW B10 WAI.E +38 296
>john_w: ?EIINOS A5 ElISION +75 224
>cesar: BCIOORS 15A BRIO +33 329
#note -7 #strategylarge - CRIB is 12 more!
>john_w: ADQ C1 Q.AD +28 252
>cesar: CDORSUZ 5C SCOUR +29 358
#note i don't seem to have known that LYINGS is a word; a bunch of stuff on that column is best. O6 CURDS seems best. -9.5 #knowledgelarge
>john_w: BFMU 3H BUMF +33 285
>cesar: ADLNRSZ 1N ZA +44 402
#note -2 to ZAS obvs #endgamesmall
>john_w: AENP C7 NAPE +16 301
>john_w: (DLNRS) +12 313
Player 2
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