Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joey Joey
#player2 Richard Richard
>Joey: ?AAGNRW 8D WRANG +26 26
#note Missing NAGWARE right out of the gate. I'd like to think I'd see that as a natural, but an E isn't so far fetched to visualize as the blank.
>Richard: DEIINR D8 .INDIER +22 22
>Joey: ?AAEELR 7H AREoLAE +61 87
#note Surprisingly the only 7. Something like ANNEALER is safer.
>Richard: BEOO C12 OBOE +24 46
>Joey: HIJSUUX C9 XU +36 123
#note Setting up a possible JO here next turn.
>Richard: DZ J6 Z.D +33 79
>Joey: HIJLPSU 6M PHI +33 156
>Richard: EIKNNRT -KN +0 79
>Joey: DJLRSTU 6F JUT +30 186
>Richard: AEIMNRT 9I RAIMENT +75 154
>Joey: ?DFLQRS O5 Q. +11 197
>Richard: OPT B12 POT +26 180
>Joey: ?DEFLRS 10B F..D +16 213
#note I wish FELDSPAR was a verb. Then again, it would probably double the R so never mind.
>Richard: IIOO -IIOO +0 180
>Joey: ?EILRSS O8 S.IfLERS +122 335
#note This embarrassment of riches only has two other options: STYLISER and ASSAILER.
>Richard: AW 11D .AW +20 200
>Joey: BEIIOTY L9 .OIETY +22 357
>Richard: GU 14J GU. +11 211
>Joey: ABEFILR 15F BARFI +33 390
>Richard: AOT 5K TAO +11 222
>Joey: EELNNTV 11I LEV.N +16 406
#note I saw ELVEN, thinking it was only (Final) fantasy language.
>Richard: LMU 4J LUM +20 242
>Joey: AEGNSTV 3I VEGAN +37 443
>Richard: EK J1 KE.. +10 252
>Joey: ADISSTY 1H YA. +30 473
>Richard: COO 2F COO +16 268
>Joey: CDEISST N1 DISC +24 497
>Richard: EHINO 1L HI.E +36 304
>Joey: EST G11 SET +12 509
#note Missing EST M13 for 6 more.
>Joey: (NO) +4 513
Player 2
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