Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
#player2 Paul_Richards Paul Richards
>Peter_Kougi: CEELORV 8D CLOVE +26 26
>Paul_Richards: ABEMR D8 .AMBER +24 24
>Peter_Kougi: BEEIPRT C12 BE +16 42
>Paul_Richards: ?AIJRSS I6 JASSIeR +76 100
>Paul_Richards: ?AIJRSS -- -76 24
>Peter_Kougi: EIIPRTT H8 .PITRITE +83 125
>Paul_Richards: ?AIJRSS C9 JA +38 62
>Peter_Kougi: EIIORUX G13 XI +36 161
>Paul_Richards: ??IRRSS 15B ReaRIS.S +66 128
>Peter_Kougi: AEINORU 11D .ARI.ONE +40 201
>Paul_Richards: AENU 12K AUNE +10 138
>Peter_Kougi: ADGPSUU 13L PUDU +25 226
>Paul_Richards: ELNWY E5 NEW.Y +35 173
>Peter_Kougi: AGLNSUW F2 UNLAW +33 259
>Paul_Richards: AY B10 YA +29 202
>Peter_Kougi: GKOQSSZ 10K SKOG +16 275
>Paul_Richards: HI 14F H.. +27 229
>Peter_Kougi: CLOQRSZ A8 ZOL +45 320
>Paul_Richards: LOT 14K LOT +11 240
>Peter_Kougi: CFOQRST O5 CROFTS +43 363
>Paul_Richards: DEEFHNV B13 FE. +18 258
>Peter_Kougi: AEGHIMQ 2B HAIQ.E +36 399
>Paul_Richards: DENT 1A TEND +33 291
>Peter_Kougi: ADEGMOV 1G AMOVED +44 443
>Paul_Richards: DGIIIOT 2K DIGIT +20 311
>Peter_Kougi: AEGN I6 GANE +23 466
>Peter_Kougi: (IO) +4 470
Player 2
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Current time: 2025-01-07 20:19:42 Server IP: