Game Details
Player 1
#player1 jackson jackson
#player2 anita anita
>jackson: EIIIQUV -IIIQUV +0 0
#note Quackle likes keeping the Q here, EQU ahead of E and EIQU doing best - I score 6 more on avg. than keeping E, which is pretty cool. I remember thinking that the Q was probably not so great on the first turn, but that seems incorrect. #tacticssmall EIQU is the most variant leave of the bunch, though
>anita: AANNOTV -AA +0 0
>jackson: AAAEEEE -AAAEEE +0 0
#note wtf
>anita: EFNORTU 8D FORTUNE +78 78
>jackson: ?EPRSSU K5 PUlSERS +93 93
>anita: INV 7C VIN +17 95
>jackson: DGGJLQR -GGJLQ +0 93
#note coulddd do JUG, the Q isn't very good here though. Q prefers exchanging down to R, it bingoes slightly more often #tacticssmall
>anita: IIKT L2 TIKI +20 115
>jackson: DIMORRS 3I MIR.D +22 115
#note looks like I chose wrong here. M1 MODI, 6D ROD, 6D ROM all look worth playing here. I liked opening the top left with this play, but I also set up QAT and X plays, which are really annoying. ROD is probably my favourite of the bunch. #strategysmall
>anita: GITW 11G TWIG. +9 124
>jackson: AAAOORS J10 A.ORA +14 129
#note I might exchange AAOO normally, but I was hoping she might not know AGORA/ES.
>anita: OX 2I OX +54 178
>jackson: AEEMOSS H11 .AMES +33 162
>anita: HINT 1F THIN +26 204
>jackson: EEOPRSW F6 WO.E +22 184
#note looks fine I guess
>anita: LUU 15E ULU. +4 208
>jackson: DEEPRST D3 PRES..TED +80 264
>anita: GGHO C10 HOGG +26 234
>jackson: ABEILVY 2L .IVY +23 287
#note surprisingly, she averages 6 more after TIVY than MARBLY, and 8 more than after E10 lays. I didni't think the Y there was such a dangerous spot, but it seems to be. OYEZ sucks but are there a lot of plays like that? Q prefers MARBLY here, I don't see a reason not to trust the sim, besides my slight preference towards the less risky ABEL leave. #tacticssmall
>anita: ?ABCIOT M5 ABIOTiC +67 301
>jackson: ABELLLN 13H .A.BLE +22 309
#note tough call. I could do e11 ALL to block easy plays there and keep a more balanced leave, but with a vowel heavy pool I felt more okay about this. I think N5 LANE is an improvement though, lowering her average a tiny bit. Q has me scoring more after MARBLE next turn by a bit, but BLL seems slight better. Very close in a sim between lane and marble.
>anita: EEN O1 E.EN +24 325
>jackson: CDLLNYZ 5C L.Z +24 333
#note I was pretty happy with this cause I get N4 ANY with an A draw!
>anita: EEFR E10 REEF +28 353
>jackson: ACDLNOY N4 ANY +37 370
#note Champ likes this best but I"m not convinced. N12 OD is a really cool play, setting up O column plays and drawing the Q less often. She likely didn't have the Q with REEF but not definitely, and either way she will be more likely than not to have it when I play ANY, but I still often lose if I draw the Q. I feel like OD still wins close to as much as ANY when she has the q, cause if she play QAID/OD or something I still get N4 ANY, although I have to hope to draw an out or something. Without doing intense analysis I feel like ANY is probably fine to be very likely to win when she has the Q, but I can see OD being better.
>anita: AAAEIJO 3B JA.E +26 379
>jackson: CDDLNOQ F1 .OD +21 391
#note no legit wins, just kinda hoping she plays AJI
>anita: AAIO 7I OA. +8 387
>anita: AAIO -- -8 379
>jackson: CDLNQ 11B C... +7 398
#note again no legit wins still, hoping for an AJI
>anita: AAIO 6C A. +8 387
>jackson: DLNQ 13H ......D +12 410
>anita: O 10I O.. +5 392
>jackson: LNQ 15D L.... +6 416
#note gr8 endgame by Anita!
>anita: AI B2 A.I +20 412
>anita: (NQ) +22 434
Player 2
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