Player 1 |
#player1 Opponent Opponent
#player2 Kenji Kenji
>Opponent: DLNTUUV 8F LUV +12 12
>Kenji: DEEEMVX 7E VEX +40 40
>Opponent: ADLNTUZ F5 DU.. +7 19
#note Quackle is very naive here because there's not much of a chance I will open the board the way he thinks I will.
>Kenji: ADEEEEM 5E A.EEMED +44 84
>Opponent: AILNTTZ H1 AZIN. +45 64
>Kenji: EEIORSY 4D OY +15 99
#note I thought OY was better at the time, but after further review OYEZ is the play. You don't really need another lane; bingoing just isn't that imperative. While I don't really like giving away line 1 and all of the orphan bingos I will draw, some of them will still be orphans anyway, line 1 isn't that big of a deal, and I'm keeping a worse leave.
>Opponent: ACELOTT C4 CALOTTE +69 133
#note Very deserved.
>Kenji: EEEIIRS 8A RI.E +15 114
#note SIREE is much better. There's nothing really to be afraid of.
>Opponent: DHLNRTW 10B H.WN +18 151
#note I know HNR is antisynergic, but DWELT still has to be better I'd think.
>Kenji: ?AEEISW A1 SWEAtIE. +83 197
>Opponent: DILNPRT J2 PLI.D +18 169
#note LEPTIN is probably my play here. You have to at least start on the board. Maybe LEPT or PINT would work too.
>Kenji: AGIOORY B10 .OAGY +24 221
>Opponent: AENOQRT 12A Q.NAT +48 217
>Kenji: EIJORST 3D J +9 230
>Opponent: EEEFOOR B1 OE +16 233
>Kenji: EHIORST 13D HOISTER +69 299
#note 11d HERIOTS. Missed the spot.
>Opponent: ?EEFNOR H11 OF.ER +36 269
#note I think Quackle needs to cash right now. EN? is not going to hit that often on this board. My rack is random, so the odds that I can really punish FOREmEN is not that high.
>Kenji: BILNRSS K9 BIRLS +25 324
#note I think it's worth completely ruining my spread equity by playing BLISS at k9 here. Basically I'm going to have to block anyway and it's too easy for diversions to show up. I'm also playing with fire against the K here too, and may not be able to block that R for a while if I don't now. If they hit the R in slot 6 I still have a good chance.
>Opponent: ?EFNORU 15G F.ONdEUR +61 330
#note I wish there were a way to have C-player have a very primitive implication engine. Maybe that is a good idea as long as it doesn't get too sophisticated and try to think much. Even without it, this isn't correct because of the relative easy I can block while scoring by playing on line N.
>Kenji: AGNPSTU O12 PUGS +63 387
>Opponent: ACDIKNT L8 KID +20 350
#note I think I prefer KID 10j. This looks like a fish for an N bingo maybe, but also has the outs for TRICLINIA, which is Quackle's only hope really. After this there's just too much information, and I can block line 3 while also killing plays like MARTIAN/TAMARIN.
>Kenji: ABGINOT M7 GAB +27 414
#note Blocking MARTIAN/TAMARIN.
>Opponent: AACIMNT 8L ..TA +24 374
>Kenji: INORT I1 TI +18 432
#note ION scores 2 more.
>Opponent: ACIMN O4 CAIM.N +13 387
>Opponent: (NOR) +6 393
#note Pretty awful game on my part.