Player 1 |
#player1 jackson jackson
#player2 panitch panitch
>jackson: ADKNOOR H4 KROON +28 28
#note or KAROO. I liked that I might trip him up on the hooks
>panitch: AEHILTZ 7C THIAZ.LE +82 82
>jackson: AADFNPR 6J FRAP +30 58
#note FAD and FARAD are worth considering, I liked the scoring defense of this and the decent bingo leave and putting the P out there which helps extend towards the bottom. FAD is a bit more aggressive but I liked this positioning more
>panitch: AGLNRSU E6 S.NGULAR +68 150
#note oh waiiiiiit I thought kroon took only I lmaooooo looks like I tripped myself up too
>jackson: ADGINOR 10A RIGA.DON +66 124
>panitch: CHOT A8 TO.CH +42 192
>jackson: AEIILVV H10 .IVEAL +39 163
#note oh wow I knew there were a lot of words in AEILNV, I thought two started with N, but 0 do. this is phony. he held.
>panitch: IJO 14F JI.O +27 219
>jackson: IILMNUV L1 VIMIN.L +32 195
#note I liked tacking on the L w two blanks out, also blocking the 8 row scoring spot. I was tempted to play PULVINI. it looks close here, the L usually helps the U a lot and it does here, upping by bingo % quite a bit (10 to 18ish), but I am lowering his average by almost 4.
>panitch: EIIPSX N1 PIXIES +46 265
>jackson: EIORSTU 12H .ITREOUS +74 269
#note I felt like the E was usually more dangerous than the S here, but with 8 Es out it makes it a lot closer. Q says he averages 0.3 more after VIRTUOSE!
>panitch: CRY O12 .CRY +27 292
>jackson: DDEOTUW K8 OUTD.EW +22 291
#note seems pretty standard, reaching for blanks. q likes
>panitch: DFNO D12 FOND +32 324
>jackson: ADEEETU 1L .A.E +27 318
#note thought about AUT(O)ED to go for blanks, but I also felt this could work with a Q draw, getting QUEST or 15a QUADl. Q likes this or etu(d)e
>panitch: GW M11 W.G +14 338
>jackson: ADEETUY 15A DEE.Y +30 348
#note I get QUE(S)T with a QE or Q? draw, which is pretty nice. I will need something like that to win this game. also drawing the extra tile towards blanks is nice, instead of EA(S)Y. EASY does block a few bingoes, but I lose if he has a lot of those racks anyways. looks good
>panitch: ?BE 3J BE.i. +30 368
>jackson: AABNQTU 6A AQUA. +41 389
#note quite a few plays with with blank draws, but it's highly unlikely I'll draw the blank after he played bemix. I didn't see any legit wins over the board so I went with AQUAS which put enough scoring pressure on to make his endgame fuckupable. I missed a win with the S though - QUANT wins with the S cause he can't play TiME cause I get STIME/BATS for the win! #endgamelarge
>panitch: ?AEEMST 4D SMEr. +20 388
>jackson: BENT F1 BEN.T +9 398
>jackson: BENT -- -9 389
#note he was low on time in the endgame, and I spent a lot of time on AQUAS so I was low on time. I have a win here - 2K B(I)N(I)T. fucking awful #endgamelarge I thought this might be good, wasn't sure
>panitch: AET 3C TEA +12 400
>panitch: (BENT) +12 412