Player 1 |
#player1 EA Elspeth Abbath
#player2 JJB John J. Bulten
>EA: AEHZ H7 HAZE +32 32
#note 0:59 [24:01] Having won the tournament early, JJB gets to play the highest player who is not in contention for fourth place, namely EA in seventh place. Both are humbled to play each other again. EA begins with a vertical.
#note 1:17 [23:43] JJB keeps even with the correct hook.
>EA: OP 10E OP +25 57
#note 0:49 [23:12] EA balances very nicely.
>JJB: AFINOST 9E FA +19 50
#note 2:36 [21:07] JJB balances less nicely, keeping the unnecessary O again. Of g7 17 rates 3.6 better and fa 19 gains nothing at all.
#note 0:45 [22:37] EA is rewarded with a bingo and JJB only with a power play. Her only option is to open the first nonuple.
#note 1:35 [19:32] Given the perfect setup, JJB comedically again keeps the O on his rack even when the score for joins is the same. But NT is +2.2 and OT is -2.1, diff of 4.3. Another nonuple lane is open.
>EA: ILL A12 .ILL +33 157
#note 0:34 [22:03] EA wastes no time in scoring what she can.
>JJB: ?AEOORT 1A fOOTRA.E +140 240
#note 0:41 [18:51] JJB draws and notes only to himself that he has a probable bingo rack; first he wraps up his tracking and validating. After 30 seconds of that and just a second glance at his rack and at the board, he exclaims, "I've got it!" and composes the letters rapidly. He had drawn AEFOORT already in the first game of the day and gotten little value for it, so the word was very familiar.
>EA: DY 2F Y.D +31 188
#note 1:26 [20:37] EA is already enjoying herself, giggling about the play. Gibsonized games should be fun for everyone. She covers a nice premium.
>JJB: ?AEPQRU 3A PARQUE.s +95 335
#note 2:19 [16:32] Now an unbelievable rack comes from the bag. JJB notes pauraque 86 and is pretty sure he can spell it right, but there's also opaquer. It doesn't play, nor does parquet, and JJB narrowly avoids the embarrassment of putting an S onto opaquer and claiming 90. He looks for an even better play and there is one, the amazing parquets/aye/eds 95, and that gets played. But what if after finding the better play than the better play, he looks again for a better one? There would be paraquet 122!
>EA: NOOST 12H SNOOT +31 219
#note 0:53 [19:44] EA takes it all in stride and cashes her S.
>JJB: ACDDIUU D3 .UID +28 363
#note 1:05 [14:37] Finally a truly ugly rack, but made better by the Q already on the board.
>EA: DEM 11K MED +22 241
#note 1:42 [18:02]
>JJB: AACDRTU C9 ADU.C +18 381
#note 2:39 [11:58] The word seen that doesn't play is arcuated. The word playable that isn't seen is curtana 26, preferred by 3.2. Data/sha/at/za 28 is the overlap play, with an equal static rating. JJB is still pushing leave, even though he does not bingo again.
>EA: EGV 10J VEG +24 265
#note 0:37 [17:25] Another good piecework overlap, like a portion of a quilt.
#note 1:09 [10:49] The column I overlap is still available and now best with a standard dump. That's a lot for a vowel dump.
>EA: EEIOST A3 .OETISE +30 295
#note 0:30 [16:55] Just as a reassurance, EA announces while laying it down that it's not a bingo. It's more about the prettiness of the play at this point.
#note 2:56 [7:53] Now the Ten Brink family visits but only the brink part gets on the board. Again best.
>EA: EEF E5 FEE +25 320
#note 0:42 [16:13]
>JJB: AEEGHNV L1 HAVE. +30 467
#note 3:21 [4:32] JJB almost goes for heaving, not that far behind in the list, and has forgotten geneva/avenge. Eventually the highest play commends itself (vegan goes there too).
>EA: AEM 1L .AME +27 347
#note 1:27 [14:46] As EA claims the triple she puts JJB in mind of Gandalf Greyhame.
>JJB: EGILNWW N1 .EWL +18 485
#note 2:43 [1:49] It's already time for the out in two, but we were just getting to know each other. JJB thinks showing 16 is fancy and concealed enough that it doesn't need a backup. His lead could be rotated 90 degrees to make wale 24 instead though. Otherwise it looks optimal.
>EA: BGINRTX 2K T.X.R +23 370
#note 0:52 [11:52] EA rapidly makes her last optimal play. She has the unique distinction of making no mistakes the whole game based on known tiles: every play was Quackle's favorite from the partial rack (except for Quackle not sharing her first-rack vertical preference). If she had better plays in her hidden tiles, well, you can ask her about that.
>JJB: GINW 7G ...WING +16 501
#note 0:26 [1:23] JJB gets his favored out, the 500, and the BING.
>JJB: (BGIN) +14 515
#note It is hard to think of a more poetic and lovely game of Scrabble in the annals than this Gibsonized game. EA takes an early lead and is compelled to open a nonuple, and JJB is able to make use of it and not look back. Many of the best plays are easy to find and usually common words, but EA successfully chooses the optimal Quackle play for the chosen tiles on every single one of twelve turns, while JJB gets the character-building distinction of missing a quadruple after a nonuple (paraquet) as well as curtana and more minor improvements. Known points available: EA 0, JJB 33. Overall points available: EA 0.0+, JJB 44.1.