Player 1 |
#player1 JJB John J. Bulten
#player2 BH Barbara Hildenbrand
#note 1:19 [23:41] Qat is obvious but the leave then spells fyce, which also scores the same. JJB quickly swaps plans and prefers keeping AQT as the leave to CEFY, although Quackle oddly disfavors this by -1.0 to +0.0.
>BH: HOO 7F HOO +18 18
#note ~1:00 [~24:00]
#note 1:25 [22:16] Briefly concerned that there is no spot at all for qat, JJB finds the one.
>BH: ARTU E9 .UART +28 46
#note ~2:47 [21:13] BH can now cash the U, set up hooks upon hooks, and still keep good balance.
#note 0:35 [21:41] JJB likes this kind of puzzle.
>BH: OY 15A OY +22 68
#note 2:02 [19:11] Oddly, 13b is 2 points higher, and BH is likelier to have oma than opponent.
>JJB: ELPTTUW 13C WE. +27 116
#note 1:23 [18:06] Somehow tinkering with row 6 does not yield putt (10.6 higher), welt, put, or wet as valuable enough. Tew 15e looks too dangerous and the quarte hook can be used later. Puttee c9 22 also rates, and all of the above undouble the T and rate higher.
>BH: ABL 6F ALB +29 97
#note 0:52 [18:19] BH gets the overlap to herself and shows Florida how it's done.
#note 1:23 [18:06] JJB favors tittup/tulip in row 5, but "misspells" putti instead, risking return to a rack worth -19.1. Quackle prefers tittup to the phony by .8, but with BH's blank it allows sudation/outstand 131, so JJB was right to turn it down: tulip was the play among close-looking options. (A phony tradeoff comparison of titup* to tulip (18.6) indicates risk of 37.7 and reward of only 4.4, an extreme contraindication.)
>BH: ?ADNOSU K2 UNlOADS +77 174
#note 1:24 [16:55] BH abounds in 40 bingos; she takes a little time, but the 7s (with BLMNST) are mostly obscure and she accepts a simple one. The quadruple is bausond 91, the best triple is soudans 90, several 8s play, and soudan/sound/soda rate higher than some bingos.
>JJB: DIKLMNT 12D D.INK +44 182
#note 1:34 [16:32] JJB is happy to write a Mountain Dew ad on his scoresheet.
>BH: FGR 10C FR.G +19 193
#note 1:22 [15:33] Or fug with .1 diff, partially calculated.
#note 0:28 [16:04] This play is obvious, with only a brief excursion to verify there are no anagrams (the correct metathetic pair is military/limitary).
>BH: CEIRT 1D .ETRIC +30 223
#note 2:48 [12:45] The bingo hunt may make row 1 more attractive and obscure the fact that 10 points are sacrificed by missing recit/recti 15e 40.
>JJB: LLNRSVZ 2J V.LNS +32 292
#note 0:38 [15:26] Even though this is a very indicated play (14.6 ahead of vuln in second place), JJB is happy to score the 5-letter double premium for the third time, with a vowelless rack.
>BH: EGOS 15E SEGO +34 257
#note 2:36 [10:09] BH's previous play was a totally unnoticed gold mine of 9 extensions. Now that she is ready to claim the quarte hook that both players wanted, she misses geometric 42 (8 higher, plus +8.0 for keeping the S).
>JJB: ADLOPRZ B2 PLO.Z +72 364
#note 0:25 [15:01] No need to hold for zoometric 66, or play prometric 45, when one can skunk the score with 72 and get a fourth double-premium 5! Not only that, but zoeal plays for 70 in second place.
>BH: ?ABEORS 14H BORAgES +74 331
#note 2:48 [7:21] BH has 24 bingos ready in response, selects a maximal one, and may take the lead yet, but still faces a hard competition given JJB's premiums. She calls the blank a G, which causes him to hold several minutes. She later asks why and, aside from comparing options, it is that he had found this the least certain of all the potential designations (which are CGNTX) and had no study list to be certain from.
>JJB: AADEORU 1M EAU +13 377
#note 4:39 [10:22] JJB has managed time well and is able to give full thought to both challenge possibility and play options. With 10 in bag he would not choose roulade 16 if seen (BH may return the bag with only one tile); he wants to keep both consonants, for which alula 10 is preferable but hiding. His notes indicate ado 13l 17 and oda/kobo 23 are declined on leave (kobo is retained for later), but oda is enough higher in points, as is odea 26, by 5.4. Road 32 comes in second despite AEU leave; perhaps maxing out points is directed, but hoping to bingo allows much better synergy in the endgame as well (so road 32 is retained too).
>BH: AIIX 15L IXIA +49 380
#note 0:18 [7:03] BH seizes the lead forcefully with the X, with J still unseen. Calculation is now very important for both.
>JJB: ADHINOR M13 H.. +26 403
#note 1:32 [8:50] JJB now misfocuses on bingos: even though he knows ordinal: cost, he does not calculate that the bag has no hope for either rows 4 or 11. He sees hoe j6 30 (rated 5.1 higher) but wants to block vex also and is ok leaving two tiles for BH.
>BH: IJV 8A JIV. +42 422
#note 1:56 [5:07] BH now unleashes JV to JJB's total surprise, with a 19-point lead. Is it enough to empty the bag with?
#note 7:39 [1:11] JJB now patiently tracks and verifies track, and ascertains there is no spot for andiron or renege. Now road 32 becomes obvious, has highest static performance, and conveniently allows jinn 11 and linn 6. Some more work yields inn 12, another point gained. There is no competition for this combo and it wins comfortably enough against foreseeable responses, so JJB is able to proceed without cutting into the final minute. It was a bumpy ride!
>BH: EEEGNR A8 .EER +11 433
#note 4:09.7 [0:57.3] BH's play does not look like it is intended to be the last. Gen 13i 15 needs to go first as it nets 9 to an outplay, with jeer netting only 3. Leger 4k 12 nets 8 but costs JJB 1 more so is equal to gen.
>JJB: INN L4 INN +12 447
#note 0:11.4 [0:59.6] JJB completes a maximal endgame.
>JJB: (EGN) +8 455
#note Both players make many optimal and exceedingly good plays and claim easy 400s, with BH's tripled power tiles and 2 bingos against JJB's 4 double-premium 5s (sextupled Z) and 1 bingo. Both hit the Q twice. JJB's misses were more subtle, such as never claiming the row-6 overlap, j6 for the H, or kobo, while BH missed the more extraordinary plays bausond, quarter/recti, and geometric. With such even distribution the difference may come down to JJB having easier choices and BH leaving more points on the table, but even there the accuracy of both players in this game is excellent. Known points available: JJB 0, BH 32. Overall points available: JJB 22.9, BH 48.1+.