Game Details
Player 1
#player1 david david
#player2 evan_ evan
>david: ANV 8G VAN +12 12
>evan_: DIIIRTY G7 I.Y +14 14
#note \completely airball on viridity
>david: JO F6 JO +27 39
>evan_: DIIIQRT -DIIIQ +0 14
>david: MM F9 MM +19 58
>evan_: EGRTUUW I5 WRU.G +12 26
>david: NRU E10 URN +10 68
>evan_: DEHRSTU 12B THU.DERS +76 102
>david: EF 13F EF +21 89
>evan_: AEEIORS 13B OE +16 118
#note i had this rack last game erg. owie is better as well since it kills a scoring spot and opens a second good bingo lane
>david: EEZ J4 ZEE +23 112
#note i guess he didnt see ew
>evan_: AEEIIRS H1 AERIE +24 142
#note airballed on zaire yuck
>david: ?AEGNNT 14E ANTiGEN +73 185
#note lucky he missed regnant
>evan_: DEIRSVY 15A DRIVE +41 183
>david: OOP G2 POO +15 200
>evan_: AAQSTUY 15K AQUAS +74 257
>david: DI 13I ID +12 212
>evan_: CEINOTY 14N YO +22 279
#note ecotype and neotype are beautiful
>david: ACGIKNS D4 SACKING +86 298
>evan_: ?ACEINT 1H .NAlCITE +86 365
>david: HIL 8A HIL. +21 319
>evan_: ABEFLPX 2M FAX +44 409
>david: DIOO 4J .OOID +30 349
>evan_: BELLOPS K3 P.SE +29 438
#note wow, didnt even look for a bingo, bellhops would''ve been awesome. i saw slope/zooids but i wasnt sure if zooid took an s, also was concerned about the k6 line more than the open h and i because david has much better 7s knowledge than 8's knowledge
>david: BEILRTW E2 BLEW +30 379
#note somehow didnt notice he played se, probably because i was less than 30 secs at this point, spent way too long on OE and YO etc
>evan_: ABLLOTT C2 BLOT +21 459
>david: IRT N4 .IRT +7 386
>david: (ALT) +6 392
Player 2
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