Game Details
Player 1
#player1 moh moh
#player2 dave dave
>moh: EEIORRT 8H ORE +6 6
#note I've got some bingo-prone tiles, and I should hold on to them. (So plays like RIOTER are just out.) I'd like to undouble my Rs and Es, so it's either IRE/REI, ORE/ROE, or RE/ER. I like the leave and placement of ORE better than the other options, so ORE it is.
>dave: EGKLU 7D KUGEL +13 13
>moh: AAEINRT D7 .A +7 13
#note RETINA is such a powerful base for bingos that I decided to go fishing with the single-tile play of (K)A. Weak opening sequence, but the computer sim agrees.
>dave: ACGOW J3 COWAG. +14 27
>moh: AEINRRT 5E INTER.AR +94 107
#note I was almost lazy enough to play TRAINER, but thankfully, I forced myself to look a little. The 2x2 is the clear winner.
>dave: CEEINST L2 SEC.ETIN +72 99
#note Or ENTERICS. The sim likes ENTERICS, but I just don't see it--even with the triples at H1 and O8 already exposed, why open row 1?
>moh: ?AADDEE 8L .DEA +15 122
#note (I)DEA Undoubles ALL THREE of my duplicated tiles. Easy decision.
>dave: IQRU H1 QUIR. +45 144
>moh: ?ABDEET 10F DEBATEs +75 197
#note There were some cool possibilities, but they weren't stretegically much better. 9C BEDmATE 77, or (D)EaDBEAT or (D)EAThBED from M8 for 77.
>dave: EGHHU 4A HEUGH +37 181
#note Nice way to get rid of some mucky tiles.
>moh: ?EIIPVX M1 PIX +44 241
#note Great score, decent leave; pretty obvious.
>dave: OOP A1 POO. +27 208
>moh: ?EFISVW 11C WIVE +23 264
#note I liked how wide open this left the board for bingos. With the last blank and an S, I want it open, and WIVE opens up the SWIVE hook along column B, as well as bingos from 12F and all the possibilities down columns N and O. Oh, yeah, and WIVE wins the sim.
>dave: ALOZ N6 ZO.AL +36 244
>moh: ?DFIMOS 12F FeODISM +83 347
#note I had a bad feeling about FEODISM*, but it rang some kind of bell (hey, it gets a whopping 5 hits on Google). The star play was B2 FI(E)fDOMS.
>dave: IU 1M .IU +15 259
>moh: ABILLMT 13C BLAT +20 367
#note BLAT stands up well in the sim, even though it scores 10 fewer points than 13J TIMBAL. Up big, BLAT leaves no real bingo lanes, whereas TIMBAL offers an easy S hook at 14J.
>dave: EJ 2F JE. +26 285
>moh: DEILMRY H12 .DYL +24 391
#note Not even close. The play was B2 EM(E)RY for 44.
>dave: FINO 13J FOIN +25 310
>moh: EIMNORR C2 MO.RN +14 405
>dave: ANSY B8 NAYS +26 336
>moh: EIRSTV A7 VET +26 431
>dave: ANT D1 TAN. +12 348
>dave: (ISR) +6 354
Player 2
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