Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Marie_Puma Marie Puma
#player2 Samuel_Kaplan Samuel Kaplan
>Marie_Puma: AEGPRT H4 PARGET +24 24
>Samuel_Kaplan: EILLNOY 5H .LLOY +16 16
>Marie_Puma: ADDF L1 FADD. +34 58
>Samuel_Kaplan: EINNPSV 1L .IVE +30 46
#note Considered PAVIN and FIVE, the E in PARGET isn't likely to get blocked so I took the 10 points despite the worse leave.
>Marie_Puma: FIO 3J FI.O +16 74
>Samuel_Kaplan: EENNPSU G8 PUN +13 59
>Marie_Puma: AX J3 .A.X +30 104
>Samuel_Kaplan: EEKNOSZ 11E ZEK +42 101
#note Yep
>Marie_Puma: ?EILNOT O1 .LEcTION +71 175
#note ENTOILEd in the same spot is Marie's best play for 1 more.
>Samuel_Kaplan: EGNOSSU M5 SUNG +15 116
#note This at H11 is 8 more.
>Marie_Puma: NO N6 NO +12 187
>Samuel_Kaplan: ?DEIOSY 12F DOYlIES +92 208
>Samuel_Kaplan: ?DEIOSY -- -92 116
#note Considering Marie's word knowledge is meh, I figured I might get PUNKO* past her. Credit to her for realizing only PUNKA is good. If it wasn't for this, 12G YO is definitely the move which I saw.
>Marie_Puma: EOW I7 OWE +24 211
>Samuel_Kaplan: ?DEIOSY 10I DISObEY +72 188
#note DOYlIES F2 this time. 2nd best.
>Marie_Puma: ABT 12D BAT +23 234
>Samuel_Kaplan: DEIIJTU K8 JE.UIT +26 214
#note Best play!
>Marie_Puma: ACER 13I CA.ER +20 254
#note Nice play Marie!
>Samuel_Kaplan: AADIMRR 12J M.DAIR +32 246
#note Hell yea. This is the #boardvisionsolid move.
>Marie_Puma: GIM 13C MIG +29 283
>Samuel_Kaplan: AACERSW 14L WEAR +24 270
#note Setting up a 2nd lane for my S. The only way ARE can get blocked is with the A but that requires a huge sacrifice. Most importantly, there are no Ys remaining.
>Marie_Puma: BE 15N BE +22 305
>Samuel_Kaplan: ACEINOS 8K .O. +12 282
#note JAG or JOG? I was correct to go for a bingo but I thought I was more likely to bingo with ACEINS than CEINOS.
>Marie_Puma: IQTU 14A QUIT +35 340
#note Ugh
>Samuel_Kaplan: ACEINOS A14 .I +33 315
#note Lovely how I drew the last O after I just played an O last turn. I decided to play one tile with A14 QI instead of Q's best play of 15A IN mainly because of the Hs and V. I can only bingo with an L or T draw with the V. If I play IN and draw an H, it bingoes with an L, R, or S with it. With my deficit, I wanted to minimize variance with the draws. Seeing I was very unlikely to draw a vowel, it makes even more sense to play 1 tile and not 2. I thought that Marie was more likely to empty the bag after a 2 tile play, which was the only downside to playing IN over QI.
>Marie_Puma: EHT 15D ETH +14 354
>Samuel_Kaplan: ACENORS F2 CORNEAS +76 391
#note And this is why WEAR was a great play, to have 2 S lanes. I luckily avoided the Hs and V and drew an R to bingo out.
>Samuel_Kaplan: (AHLNRSV) +26 417