Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jason Jason
#player2 Will Will
>Jason: ?AIMOOR 8C AMORInO +72 72
>Will: AEIOTUV D8 .AUVE +20 20
#note MAUVE far better defensively than F5 OUTRAVE or 7G OUTVIE.
>Jason: JR C7 R.J +36 108
>Will: DIIOORT 13B TOROID +29 49
>Jason: OVW E7 V.W +22 130
>Will: CDEIIII 11B CI.IE +20 69
>Jason: BNU 10F BUN +21 151
>Will: DEIIQRT 7G QI +43 112
>Jason: AAESU H10 .AUSEA +29 180
>Will: DDEIRTZ 6H TIZ +34 146
#note Thought about ADZED, since TIZ is pretty dire for the upper right quadrant, but decided to be patient.
>Jason: DO 14F DO. +18 198
>Will: DDEENRY 14A DEY +23 169
#note Thought about 10F BUNDY, but I kind of liked creating a scoring diversion to leave row 8 (and column B) open.
>Jason: CEI 15A ICE +35 233
>Will: DELNORT 9I ENTROLD +63 232
>Jason: FLO O6 FOL. +24 257
>Will: AEGNOPT B1 PONTAGE +80 312
>Jason: IMN N5 NIM +18 275
>Will: GHNNPUW L8 W.UNG +26 338
#note Just didn't spot A5 PUGH here somehow. #findingmedium
>Jason: AAILSST 1A S.ATIALS +149 424
>Jason: AAILSST -- -149 275
>Will: AEHKNPS A5 KAPH +53 391
>Jason: AAILSST M11 AIL +11 286
>Will: EEENRSY 1B .YRENES +39 430
>Will: AEEEFRT (challenge) +5 435
>Jason: ABG N12 BAG +20 306
>Will: AEEEFRT 15H .FREET +10 445
#note Close. I have to block SIXTHS/XYST down there, but better by a few points is simply 15G EATER, scoring only one fewer point than AFREET but setting up FAE on row 14 for many more points than the move I ended up playing. #endgamemedium
>Jason: ?HLSSTX O13 HoX +44 350
>Will: AE C1 .EA +18 463
>Will: (LSST) +8 471
Player 2
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