Player 1 |
#player1 Marty_Gabriel Marty Gabriel
#player2 Sam Sam
>Marty_Gabriel: IQ 8G QI +22 22
>Sam: AOOTTUZ 7H AZO +24 24
#note Very poor defensively. OUT 7H is an interesting way to control the board right out of the gate.
>Marty_Gabriel: EJO 6J JOE +51 73
>Sam: ALORTTU 8J TOLU +15 39
#note Must not have spotted TORULA 8J.
>Marty_Gabriel: IMV 9F VIM +26 99
>Sam: ?APRTWY 5K WRY +30 69
#note YAWP 5K looks a lot better, as it scores six more.
>Marty_Gabriel: BES M3 BE.S +29 128
>Sam: ?AAHNPT 9K HAP +25 94
#note I liked this better than PAH because it keeps two S-hooks open on the board, but PAH is probably better anyways.
>Marty_Gabriel: ENT 4K TE.N +20 148
>Sam: ?ANNRTY O1 NARY +45 139
#note TYRANNy! O3 is 101 points!
>Marty_Gabriel: NU N2 NU. +15 163
>Sam: ?GMNRTX -GMNX +0 139
>Marty_Gabriel: COW 10J COW +26 189
>Sam: ?ALNRST N9 STeRNAL +75 214
>Marty_Gabriel: DIL 15L DI.L +21 210
>Sam: AEGHPRV 12L PE.V +26 240
>Marty_Gabriel: ET F9 .ET +8 218
>Sam: ADEGHRT 11D GA.HER +20 260
#note I didn't like playing any of the many E10 plays, such as HAG, because they all set up an S-hook with either SHE or by tacking an S onto the end of the word being formed. It was clear Marty either had an S, a blank, or both.
>Marty_Gabriel: CGO 12C COG +21 239
>Sam: DIKLMNT 13K KIL. +24 284
>Marty_Gabriel: EX 12G EX +39 278
>Sam: DDIMNOT 13D DOIT +22 306
#note This blocked things like EXTRA or EXINE or EXONS, which seemed likely.
>Marty_Gabriel: AE 14K AE +15 293
>Sam: ADEEMNO J14 MO +21 327
#note EXED 12G sims better, but I thought I could just keep it for next turn. Perhaps it's better simply because it doesn't set up the triple, and Marty can't really score at J14. In hindsight, EXED looks a lot better in this position.
>Marty_Gabriel: BRTU 15F TURB. +21 314
>Sam: ADEEFNS 12G ..ED +14 341
>Marty_Gabriel: AEFGNOS E11 ...N +5 319
#note Marty was apparently fishing for FIDEISm, which I didn't know.
>Sam: AAEFINS I11 ..F +10 351
>Marty_Gabriel: ?DEFIRS B6 FInDERS +77 396
>Marty_Gabriel: ?DEFIRS -- -77 319
#note Marty doesn't really have much to do here, as he can't exchange or just play off the R.
>Sam: AAEIINS 14N .A +4 355
#note TI 10N does a little better, with II still out and only one A unseen.
>Marty_Gabriel: ?DEFIRS 6F FEm +18 337
>Sam: AEIIINS 5D INIA +15 370
>Marty_Gabriel: DGIORSU D3 GU.D +12 349
#note OUR 4D is best here.
>Sam: AEEIS 3A SIE.E +12 382
>Marty_Gabriel: IORS B1 IR.S +8 357
#note ORS F1 is best here. Marty must have been in time trouble, because he lost 10 points on time (final score 347)
>Sam: A 1A A. +6 388
>Sam: (O) +2 390