Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Richard_Popper Richard Popper
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Richard_Popper: AHLOR 8D HORAL +24 24
>Joshua_Sokol: EFX G7 F.X +25 25
#note that one tourney game where I don't have my racks. But you can easily see where I went wrong just from the plays I made and the word knowledge I lack

I chose this over EX for a lot more to limit scoring options. However it seemed that I should have gone for EX considering his next play.
>Richard_Popper: AGLLN E4 GALL.N +14 38
#note ugh
>Joshua_Sokol: IQ F3 QI +14 39
>Richard_Popper: AFN 4C FA..N +18 56
>Joshua_Sokol: AEES 7D A.E. +14 53
>Richard_Popper: IIIII -IIIII +0 56
>Joshua_Sokol: EEENOST C3 E. +10 63
>Richard_Popper: ?MRSTTU I2 MUTTeRS +69 125
#note agonizing. I was pretty sure HORAL didn't take an S but I was in a position where I basically needed to be sure. Fuck.
>Joshua_Sokol: EEKNOST H1 KEN +27 90
>Richard_Popper: OW J5 OW +27 152
>Joshua_Sokol: EEOOSTT K4 TOE +17 107
#note hi CSW
>Richard_Popper: BEGI L1 GIBE +22 174
>Joshua_Sokol: EEEOSTT M2 TEE +19 126
>Richard_Popper: ADO 2B ODA +15 189
>Joshua_Sokol: DEGOST J1 DOG +18 144
>Richard_Popper: AHO 1D HAO +19 208
>Joshua_Sokol: ADEERRS L6 REDEARS +76 220
#note fucking finally but I knew HORALS* had to be phony at this point.
>Richard_Popper: ILMO K10 MOIL +22 230
>Joshua_Sokol: AEJVY 6B VEA.Y +47 267
>Richard_Popper: IPR 8L .RIP +21 251
>Joshua_Sokol: IJNU O8 .UNJI +15 282
#note my rack was terrible here
>Richard_Popper: ASZ 13M ZAS +39 290
>Joshua_Sokol: NUY H8 .UNY +16 298
>Richard_Popper: CIINPTU 11E CIT. +18 308
>Joshua_Sokol: CIINOPT B1 T.P +9 307
#note I had mistracked a U for an E here.

I thought this was cute to set up ICON for a lot to outrun. I could also just play ICON now. However the C was super useful seeming with CHORALS there and in a complicated and close endgame.
>Richard_Popper: DEVW F10 W.VED +24 332
>Joshua_Sokol: ?CIIINO 14C ImI. +4 311
#note this looked very dubious now. I thought he had BREE(D)S and I needed to block that and save ICON for after, hoping he doesn't block or that CONI will be enough. No time left.
>Richard_Popper: BERSU 15A RUSE +19 351
#note however he just has BURSE, and also SUB(E)R, and RUBE 13A that just flat outrun everything. Or he can block with US or ES. Those are his 5 wins. He had time, but lucky for me he thought this should be enouggh
>Joshua_Sokol: CINO A1 ICON +39 350
>Joshua_Sokol: (B) +6 356
Player 2
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