Player 1 |
#player1 Sam Sam
#player2 Evan_Berofsky Evan Berofsky
>Sam: AAFNRRZ 8G ZARF +32 32
>Evan_Berofsky: ITX J8 .IXT +30 30
>Sam: AAENRRT 9F RAN +18 50
#note I didn't like NARRATER I1 at all, but it's good. AR 9G is a big improvement here, keeping the N means I have one less chance to draw a bad tile.
>Evan_Berofsky: HIKLNO 11H HO.LINK +28 58
>Sam: AAEEIRT 12H AE +11 61
>Evan_Berofsky: ADENOOT 13B ODONATE +74 132
>Sam: AEGIRTU N11 .AGU +18 79
#note Didn't see Quackle's choice of RUGATE 14D. It's a bit volatile, but I am losing. GIAOUR B10 and TEGUA 12B are also possibilities.
>Evan_Berofsky: DEINR 14F DINER +28 160
>Sam: EIIRRST G7 I..R +14 93
>Evan_Berofsky: EELPRSV L7 PREL.VES +78 238
>Sam: EEIORST F9 .OE +9 102
#note OE K14 is an extra point.
>Evan_Berofsky: ADGL 12A GLAD +27 265
>Sam: AEIPRST O6 TRAIPSE +98 200
>Evan_Berofsky: AINOSTT A5 TOASTIN. +77 342
>Sam: ?BBHOQU B5 OH +28 228
>Evan_Berofsky: MUY C3 YUM +21 363
>Sam: ??BBGQU -BBG +0 228
#note I liked this gambit, hoping that Evan would open the 1 row, but Quackle seems to prefer QUAD C10. It was a short sim, though.
>Evan_Berofsky: CDEEI M3 DEICE +23 386
>Sam: ??EFOQU L1 QUOd +49 277
#note QUOtE D1, FEN E11, and EF L3 are other good options.
>Evan_Berofsky: BIJO 2H BIJO. +30 416
>Sam: ?AEEFNV B10 FE..N +47 324
#note My play has the best equity, which looks like a better calculation than win% at this point in the game.
>Evan_Berofsky: MY 15A MY +33 449
>Sam: ?ABEGIV 1E VIGA +36 360
#note Champ Player likes NEB 11A...?
>Evan_Berofsky: CESTUWW 6G STEW +29 478
>Sam: ?BEL N2 BELt +17 377
#note pLEB and bLEB N1 are both a point better.
>Sam: (CUW) +16 393